Double Trouble [Harry Potter]

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[A/N: So in this, you're a Gryffindor the same year as Oliver Wood, and you've been dating him for a few months. You've managed to keep your relationship a secret, until something happened...

Also, just for an extra little fact, you're a member of one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight families, as you're a member of the Fawley family.]

It was one of the biggest, if not the biggest, day of the year. It was the opening match of the Hogwarts Quidditch season, and we were playing our rival house, Slytherin. I had been a member of the team for the past 3 years, and I was hoping that we could bring it to Slytherin this year.

"Everyone ready?" Oliver asked us all, and we all smirked. Fred and George replied, "As we'll ever be." I smiled as I stood to the left of Wood, and Potter stood to his right. "Ready, Potter?" He replied, "Sure." I could tell he was nervous, so I piped in and said, "You'll do great, Potter. I'm sure of it." He smiled over at me in appreciation, and I smiled back gratefully. Oliver put his hand on my shoulder and asked, "Ready, Y/N?" I scoffed and replied, "Wood, aren't I always?" His eyes met mine, and he gave me a look only I could pick up on. I smiled back at him, and we all mounted our brooms as we heard Lee Jordan begin the announcing.

We all flew out onto the pitch and took a few laps to get accustomed to being up in the air, and Fred and George gave me high fives as we flew past each other. Oliver took his place at the goals as Keeper, and Potter took his place above the rest of us as Seeker. That left me, Katie, and Angelina as Chasers, and Fred and George as Beaters. I stared across the circle and saw the Slytherin Captain, Marcus Flint, staring straight at me with a wicked grin on his face. I glared back at him, and whispered to Angelina, "Flint's up to no good..." She glanced at him, and replied, "He's out for you, Y/N..." I rolled my eyes and replied playfully, "He'll have to catch me first."

Madam Hooch tossed up the quaffle, and I grabbed it straight off the bat. Flint was already trying to catch up to me, and I weaved and bobbed my way through the Slytherins and hurled the quaffle toward the right ring. It soared through the ring, and I heard the bell go off as Lee Jordan said, "And Y/N Fawley scores first! Ten points for Gryffindor!"

The game went on, fairly uneventful for about 20 minutes or so. The Slytherins were playing a bit dirty, which was expected, but nothing huge had happened - yet. We were winning 70-30, and Flint was getting extremely annoyed. The Seekers had caught a glimpse of the snitch, but Potter and Higgs, the Slytherin Seeker, had both lost it after it dove under the pitch. We were advancing the quaffle toward the Slytherin goal, and Angelina had passed it to me. I made a move to get past Bletchley and Pucey, and all that was left between me and the Slytherin Keeper was Flint. I knew that he had me blocked off, so I passed the quaffle off to Katie.

Next thing I knew, Flint had rammed into me, and I was hanging on to my broom by one hand as the entire crowd gasped in horror. I caught a glimpse of Oliver's face, and his expression could only be described as sheer terror and anger mixed into one. I managed to swing my way back onto my broom, and just in time. The quaffle was knocked out of Adrian Pucey's hands, and it was falling toward the pitch. I dove down, and I saw Flint dive down next to me. I rolled my eyes as we raced toward the quaffle, and the next thing I knew, Flint had grabbed my broom and blatantly kicked me. I completely lost a grip on my broom because of the force of the blow, and I fell flying toward the ground as some people in the crowd screamed in concern.

I braced myself for the fall as my body met the grass on the pitch, and I heard a snap as I screamed out in pain. Madam Hooch blew the whistle hastily, signalling that Flint had gotten a penalty, and I heard a few brooms approach me as I writhed on the ground in pain. I was groaning as Madam Hooch approached me hastily and asked worriedly, "Fawley, can you hear me?!" I nodded, groaning in pain and holding my arm. I grimaced as she touched my arm, and she said, "You've broken your arm, dear... We need to get you to Madam Pomfrey..."

Before Angelina and Katie could help me off the pitch, I heard yelling from up above. "You're a foul, loathsome git, Flint!" I looked up and saw Oliver speeding toward Flint, and the two were hurling insults back and forth. Madam Hooch looked at them disapprovingly and turned back to us, saying, "I can't do anything about that. Flint had it coming."


I woke up in the Hospital Wing with my left arm in a sling, and I was surrounded by Gryffindors. Oliver was sitting right next to me, holding my hand. As soon as I realised how many people were around us, I quickly slithered my hand out from his grip, and Madam Pomfrey quickly squeezed through with a bottle of Skele-Gro, and I groaned. "Had it before, Fawley?" I nodded, and she poured some of the disgusting liquid into a cup as she said, "Good then, bottoms up, and drink all of it." I forced the grotesque liquid down my throat as my face contorted in disgust, and everyone around me grimaced at my discomfort.

"What happened to you?" I asked Oliver, seeing that his fist was bandaged. "Well, uh..." He began, but Fred took over, saying, "After Flint hit you and you went down, Wood charged him and got into a fist fight with him. Of course, Flint didn't touch Wood... Wood pummelled him." George added, "And got himself a month's worth of detentions from Snape as well." Oliver grabbed my hand with his good one and said lovingly, "And I'd do it all again in a heartbeat." I looked at him like he was going crazy, and Angelina laughed, saying, "Y/N, we all know you and Oliver are together now. He wouldn't have gone that crazy on Flint over just anyone... We put two and two together, and we figured out you're together."

"So we don't have to hide it anymore?" I asked Oliver, turning to him. He was smiling widely as he said, "Nope, no more hiding it. I can finally show you off to the whole of Hogwarts." I smiled and held Oliver's hand, giving it a little squeeze.

"I gotta admit, you two are pretty cute together, now that I see it," Katie said, and everyone laughed as we all sat in the Hospital Wing.

I suddenly sat up in worry, and Oliver asked in a concerned tone, "What?" I frantically asked, "Did Potter find the snitch? Did we win?" I saw Potter make his way toward the foot of my bed, holding the golden snitch and smiling. "We won," Oliver said, and I smiled.

Even with the broken arm and all, today had turned out to be a good day.

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