chapter 42

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After discharging from hospital taesha along with jk and kids arrived back at jeon's Manson where each and everything was well organized and beautifully decorated with pink colour there Mr jeon and Rt was ready to well come new born princess in th...

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After discharging from hospital taesha along with jk and kids arrived back at jeon's Manson where each and everything was well organized and beautifully decorated with pink colour there Mr jeon and Rt was ready to well come new born princess in the center hope's picture was hanged which made taesha and jk emotional....
Mr jeon:-come on kids today is biggest day for our family a very first time our little princess came in jeon's Manson we must well come her with smiles not with tears....
Mr jeon:-ok taesha tell me if you have already selected any name ?
Taesha:-his father had already selected one very beautiful name for her ...she said while wiping her tears
Jk:-what was that?
Taesha:-it's varisha
Mr jeon:-varisha

she said while wiping her tearsJk:-what was that?Taesha:-it's varishaMr jeon:-varisha Taesha:-yes

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Jk:-it's really pretty Rt and taekook your new born sister name is varisha..from now on we all call her varisha have you got it?
Rt:-yes uncle....
Jk:-what about you taekook?
Taekook was confusingly roaming around...aisha... he said while pouting which made everyone smiled jk started kissing on all over his face  because at that time he was looking damn cute...

After two weeks taesha started cooking jk and Mr jeon stopped her many time but she didn't listen anyone because cooking and taking care of kids were only way to make her self busy

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After two weeks taesha started cooking jk and Mr jeon stopped her many time but she didn't listen anyone because cooking and taking care of kids were only way to make her self busy...jk and taesha relationship was also  progressing  a little bit ...without any hesitation they both started talking and sharing things with each others taesha was also sending lunch box to the office for jk...breakfast and dinner usually whole  family was enjoying together jk was busy in the office affairs meanwhile grandfather was spending his whole time with kids he made himself busy in teaching ethic and manners to them

After 6 months gap:-

Suddenly jk disappeared somewhere...After 3 days of searching family finally got to know that he was in lock up...Mr jeon went to the police station to know what is actual matter
Mr jeon :-officer would you like to tell me what my son is doing in the lock up ? Do you know who we are?
Police officer :-he is in the lock up because he is culprit
Mr jeon:-May I know what kind of crime he has  committed?
Police officer :-he rapped someone
Mr jeon:-rape
Police officer :-yes according to his own statement he had rapped his ex wife taesha ... who is now his late brother hope's wife
Mr jeon :- taesha...Mr I think you have some misunderstanding because that incident happened at that time when they both were married couple then how it would be rape
Police officer:-rape is abused there is no any justification for this act...even though you can't touch your own wife with our her permission or will...and one more thing he himself came here to accept his crime he already recorded his statement without any force we sent that to the law authorities very soon they will send back their decision regarding his crime...we can't do anything
Mr jein:- what you have done jk....officer is there any way through which we can save him
Police officer :-yes there are two possible ways through which you can...first one is if his ex wife come to Denny all allegation on him or the second one is if he himself take back his statement this will only happen when we prove him mentally sick person
Mr jeon:-what do you mean by proving him mentally sick
Police officer :-Mr jeon don't take me wrong I m saying all this because I know you personally...I know how this allegation ruin your reputation but before starting any process you need to heir a professional lawyer who can handle this mess professionally

Time skip:-

Mr jeon:-what you did ?
Jk:-who was sitting on the floor jolted and looked at his dad took steps towards his dad he was looking sick his clothes and hair were messy he was walking slowly like no energy left in his weak what are you doing here? Who told you that i m here ? Please go back to the home I don't wanna meet you
Mr jeon:-would you like to tell me what the hell are you doing with your self taesha and kids are worried for you they are waiting for you at home...please come with me we all need you...
Jk:-dad I didn't come here all the way to go back to the home with you I m a criminal so as normal criminal let me finish my punishment
Mr jeon:-why are you doing all are very young how taesha will handle them all alone...and what about you already know i don't have enough stamina and energy to handle company's matters please come with me don't be stubborn ...I m going to bring taesha for denying all allegation I m sure she will agree to do that
Jk:-no dad you are not going to do such kind of things you are not going to drage her in police's inquiry matter don't you know how humiliating question they will ask from her...please don't even think to do that...i m requesting you and she is strong lady who can handle all things and fight for her rights and her kids safety ...she is very talented we need to give her a chance to prove her self once I heared she wants to become independent we must support her we must give free hands to her to follow her dreams openly I know she will be i decided to make her our company's New CEO... i convinced Mr kim namjoon who was one of greatest friend of hope's he will help her in all office matters... but you will convince her behalf of your not mine because when you give her mine reference I m pretty sure she will reject
Mr jeon:-what about kids how she will take care of both
Jk:-I heired mad for taking care of kids don't you need to be worry about them just take care of your health....
Mr jeon:-how can i be healthy when my dearest son is in the lock up room?
Jk:-I m fine here
Mr jeon:-no you are not look at your self just only 3 days has been passed you already look like sick and tired
Jk:-dad as compair to outlook I will gain inner satisfaction which will provide me inner happiness and relaxation which I lost two and half year ago you know what whenever she appears in front of me guilt is always killing me i know she is not saying anything because she is helpless...because she is helpless to provide home to her kids she is helpless just because of kids' s future just because of providing them all facilities just provide them healthy life and family's love she is helpless because no one is around of her to taking care of one is around to taking her side that's why she is killing her ego her self respect to staying at this house and specially staying with me...this is the only way through which i can clear all mess which I had created before...this is only way through which she can get justice this is the only through which god forgive me and make taesha's heart soft for forgiveness and this is also only way through which I can get my lost mind and heart's rest,  comfort and satisfaction please go back to home...and don't bring them here...if you will bring them here it will be very tough for me to get back my soul satisfaction so please go don't show your face again to me before completing my punishment

if you will bring them here it will be very tough for me to get back my soul satisfaction so please go don't show your face again to me before completing my punishment

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