chapter 18

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After two months:-
Jk wasn't feeling well he was suffering from migraine and fever at the same time...but who cares...if he die...or alive...jiminia was using him as atm...whenever she needed money she used being sweet with him...and flirting with him

Secretary:-sir why did you come?you are sick go to rest at home Jk:-if I go to there who will take care of me

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Secretary:-sir why did you come?you are sick go to rest at home
Jk:-if I go to there who will take care of me...he mumbled
Secretary:-have you taken your medicines?
Jk:-not yet but I will after a while now please go to inform staff that they join me in within 5minutes i m going to start our meeting
Secretary:-sir but your health
Jk:-it's ok now I m use to it...I can't delay meeting can't you see we are   already going in lost
Secretary:-yes sir I know but if hope sir was here he would definitely handle perfectly because he was master in....jk cut him off
Jk:-anything else you wanna say...
Secretary:-I don't  know how you will react if I ask you something which is quite personal
Jk:-go for it because in my life now nothing is personal
Secretary:-is everything ok between you and your wife
Jk:- yes ofcourse but why you asked?
Secretary:- i asked because you are not doing well from last two weeks but she didn't call me even once to inquire about your health meanwhile your ex wife was calling me hundred of time just to inquire about your health even when you had a minor migraine... she was taking that very seriously and after every 5 or 10 minutes later she recalled me that if you are getting your medicines or not if you are doing well or not...she was very caring  and loving
Jk:-you know what I don't deserve genuine love,care and respect

Flash back:-

Taesha:-please don't go to office stay home  take some are not feeling well
Jk:-who the hell are you to telling me that what I should do or not...and yeah don't you even dare to play tricks on me...
Taesha:-I m your your wife I have a right to worry about you and take care of your health
Jk:-whatever...take a side I need to go...I m already getting late
Taesha:-at least take your medicines
Jk:-it's just a cold not cancer or something else...which will be dangerous for my life
At office:-
Still coughing
Secretary:-sir your wife sent soup for will definitely provide you some relief...she also asked me that you didn't take your medicines yet so after drinking soup you have to take your medicines
Jk:-really how sweet she is....soup my foot...just throw it in  the dustbin I really don't need it
Secretary:-sir but...
Jk:-no more as I said...ok so you don't wanna...then let me do it myself...and he did as he said...he threw soup in the dustbin without thinking for a second that how much time she spent to making it for him
At home:-
Taesha:-how are you doing now have you taste soup I made that according to your choice ...
Jk:-how can I tell you before tasting it...actually you can ask from dustbin if it was tasty or not...because i threw soup in the dustbin
Taesha:-eyes became teary but she controlled her tears from coming out and left the room....meanwhile jk was passing his devil smile

Flash back end:-I really don't deserve genuine love and care

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Flash back end:-
I really don't deserve genuine love and care...I only deserve ignorance grandfather said to me once that know bunny when we value something or someone in our life?
Jk:-when ?
Grandpa:-it has two condition.... first condition is we value someone or something before finding it and 2nd condition is we value something after losing it....because we are forgetting  that before finding and after losing there is also a place between them which called presence, availability so we must Value of it in its presence or when you have it because when you start valuing it's existing its presence it will make easier your life and secure you from lifetime regret... but if we don't then except of lifetime regrets nothing left for us so you must value things in their presence have you got that?
Jk:-yes I got that

Jk you were right grand father I didn't value her existence her presence and made hell my life with my own hands...he spent whole night laying on the sofa
Return back home:-
Jiminia:- where were you baby last night?
Jk:-so you really notice my absence....come on jiminia please ask what you want...I hate fake people so be straight one
Jiminia:-please transfer some money in my account I need it
Jk:-last week I transmit heavy amount of money in your account
Jiminia:-I utilized that already I need more
Jk:-for your kind information I m a normal human being not  a machine of making you already know our company is already in the lost...
Jiminia:-it's your headache not mine I really don't care about your office affairs...just give me what I want
Jk:-correction please you really don't care about really don't care if I die or alive...if i m happy or sad...your life will not be effect by it

your life will not be effect by it

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once upone a time in my heart(completed )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt