Micky's Little Robo

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It's a productive day for Micky as per the usual. But it's never dull or boring after he got his best companion, Little Robo. Little Robo is a robot that was given to Micky by other worldly beings that had "tested" and experimented on the boys for 48 hours. While the aliens, Vex and Zaltar were learning more about the human race, they found that Dolenz admired their technological advances. Thus, they sent them back with a foot and a half tall robot for Micky. The robot though on this particular day, is helping the scientist of the band with an experiment!

Little Robo is on Micky's desk in his underground laboratory connected to the Pad. The robot starts grabbing some Sulfur as per Micky's request. "Sulfur." He repeats as he uses his claw-like hands to grab a beaker full of Sulfur and hand it to Micky.

"Thanks, pal . . ." The curly haired man gratefully takes the beaker from his little partner and slowly pours the element into his existing mixture. Slowly, the contents of the bottle start to fizz up every time Micky adds a little bit more. He empties nearly a quarter before he sets the beaker of Sulfur on the desk to the side. He picks the bottle with the fizzy mixture and gently shakes it, making bubbles appear and turn lighter in color. Apparently, this is what he was looking for because he grins proudly. "Groovy!" He puts the bottle down and looks to his friend. "Whaddya think? Does it look right this time?"

"According to my calculations, it look correct this time." The metal machine answers as he observes the reaction of the chemicals.

"I think so too . . ." Micky looks happy with himself and straightens up from the desk. "You wanna take a break then? I think the guys are still in the living room." He nods towards the staircase.

"Affirmative." Little Robo replies as he turns his cream white cone head to look at Micky.

Micky smiles and picks up his comrade as he can't go up stairs with his wheels. He carries him upstairs with both of his hands and is greeted with the sight of his human friends, just as he suspected. "Hey fellas." He says while he sets Little Robo down on the floor again.

"Hey Mick!" Davy puts his newspaper down on a nearby end table to finally see Micky up out of his laboratory. "What have you and Little Robo been up to?" He asks with a smile as he sees the little robot wheeling around the room nearby Micky.

Michael wants nothing to do with the moving scrap of metal as he continues to watch the news on the Television.

"Working out a new experiment. Took us forever to get it just right, but we got it!" Dolenz beams as he sits down at the round table.

"You sure have been down there a while, Micky!" Peter laughs from the kitchen, which he's gotten himself busy as he's polishing it up.

"I'll say . . ." Mike mumbles "obsessed with your new spy toy, aren't you?" He says with a sarcastic tone but means every word of it.

Little Robo wheels over to the couch where Michael is located and looks at him with his cone shaped head. "I don't contain a tracking device from my past masters. Stop claiming I am spying for them."

Micky looks over at Mike, wondering how on Earth he is still skeptical of his new companion. "Aww, c'mon Mike. He only helps me out with stuff . . ."

"Yeah, he's a good little robot and he hasn't done anything wrong . . ." He jumps to Little Robo's defense.

"Yeah, he's right!" Peter pauses what he's doing to glance at Mike.

Nesmith knows fully well that the robot hasn't done wrong, but that's what the aliens want so they can recapture them. "It's a trap you fools!" He curls his eyebrows in frustration as he raises his voice. How could they still be so blind?!

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