"Shh." Jackson says and watches as the guy walks out of the shop.

"Phew. For a minute there I thought he was going to eat me." I say to Jackson my mood turning quickly from fire to relief.

Jackson stares at me blankly and I roll my eyes exaggeratedly. "What? A whole cake? Yeah I know it's a bit much but it's also very cheap." I whisper and try to balance my cake and my lemonade in one hand. Walking away from him to grab some popcorn and piling it onto my stack.

"What are you doing here?" He says, his voice is cold but I can tell he's confused.


"Ivy its 2 in the morning. And where have you even been?" He says and I watch as his eyes slowly trail down my body.

"Jackson, my eyes are up here."

His eyes flash back to mine and I smile widely, sending him a cheeky smile.

"I was with my friends."

I walk away again and he follows, and I yawn as I place my thing on the counter for the lady to scan.

Nodding along to whatever small talk the grumpy lady is trying to make I try to stop myself swaying, goodness tonight had been eventful.

The thought of everyone falling off the planet pops up into my head again and it takes all my drunken self-control not to laugh in this woman's face.

"Thankyou." I smile and go to leave the store.

"Did you seriously walk here?" Jackson says from besides me and I nod. Oops I guess that was a silly mistake.

"It was nice seeing you Jackie but I'm going now." I clutch my bag to my chest and go to walk away from him.

"You're not going anywhere." He says and I turn back around to look at him. He was wearing sweatpants and a creased tshirt. Why was he here?

"Why are you here?" I ask and stare at his bag.

"I'm not letting you walk home, come on." He says, ignoring my question and nodding towards his car.

Haha nope.

"I'm getting a cab don't worry."

"Cabs can be just as dangerous." He deadpans.

"I have fought everyone else off tonight." I smile at him and I shrug. "I think I'll take my chances."

"Ivy no."

"Jackson you don't have a say in what I do anymore." I explain and sigh annoyed because all I wanna do is go home and eat my cake and sleep.

He laughs, and my head shoots up... did he actually just laugh? "I never did."

I don't know what that means.

I'll over-analyse it if I remember this conversation in the morning.

"Goodnight Jackson." I say and he sighs.

"Just please get in the car." His voice is so serious that I furrow my eyebrows at him. What's the problem?

"I just wanna go home." I say and he nods at me.

"I'll take you."

"But why?"

"Because everyone would hate me if they knew I had left you in this state."

"I am not a state!" I say and glower at him. Wow my head feels awful.

"Ivy please." He says and my resolve crumbles.

"Only because, I just spent my cab money on cake." I say and walk past him to his car and climb into the passenger seat.

Confessions of a Teenage AlcoholicWhere stories live. Discover now