"The one and only. How was court?" She asked, sitting down at the couch.

"Uh, good-"

"Have you proven our client innocent yet?" She cuts me off.

"No, but I think I've found out who really was the murderer."


"Yeah. At the scene, the window was broken in, and was shaped in the calling card of a famous assassin from France. I'm positive they did it." I inform Maya of what I've discovered.

"An assassin? Cool! Who's the assassin?" She's interested in it at least.

"Well... I don't know for sure yet-"

"You don't know!?"

"Well, their stage name is Le Tuer à Froid, but I have an idea on who they could be. I think the assassin is Luiska's secretary, Ms. Enigma."

"Do you have proof?"

"During the murder, three people were at Mr. Godlard's office, Luiska, Ms. Enigma, and the security guard, Larry. According to Larry, Ms. Enigma disappeared without a trace and Luiska was seen leaving in the car. Ms. Enigma is also from France, like the assassin, making her the prime candidate to be an assassin." 

"You really think it's her?" Maya questions curiously.


"Okay then."

November 7, 9:00 AM
District Court
Courtroom No. 2

"This court is now in session for the trial of Mr. Luiska Wrema."

"The prosecution is ready, Your Honor." Edgeworth answers across me, just like last time.

"The defense is ready, Your Honor." I say when Edgeworth finishes.

"Very well. The prosecution's opening statement."

"Yesterday, the defense made a valid point about the window being broken. While something was thrown at it and shards of glass were found outside, the shards of glass show that the window was broken into. Upon further investigation, the prosecution has discovered small shards of glass in the defendant's hat, evidencing that he could've broken through the window." What!? He just changed his whole story!

"Objection! If the defendant was in the victim's office, why would he go and break in through the window?" I interrupt. 

"As the defendant said himself, 'assassins do things in particular manners.'" Edgeworth replies smugly. I growl to myself.

"Did Edgeworth make that up?" Maya asks.

"Yesterday he said that Luiska killed Mr. Godlard when he was in the office. Now he's suggesting Luiska is the assassin and broke through the window." I answer. 

"The prosecution has also found a new witness to the murder. I call Ms. Enigma to take the stand." Edgeworth declares before I can object again. 

The woman I had spoken to yesterday entered, but something was wrong with her appearance. The former deep blue eyes were now an ice periwinkle and the whitish tops on her hair were more faded. The hair swept over her right eye formerly were now brushed away and only a few strands dropped over her left eye.

"What's wrong Nick?" Maya asks, probably seeing my shocked expression.

"She... she looks like a completely different person!" I exclaim, still baffled. 

"What do you mean?"

"Before she had deep blue eyes, not ice blue, and her hair is also different." I explain.

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