Coming out - L

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A/N if you were going to see Louis in concert but it's been postponed say I. It's for science.

Louis POV
Harry, Mum and Lottie were the only ones I had told that I'm bi. To be honest, they were the ones I trusted the most. Obviously I trusted my mates but I didn't know how they'd take it as I've always been this 'lady lad'. I'd like to think that they would be supportive but I think it would come as a surprise to them. But for now I had to tell Mum. She knew that I liked Harry but I still felt the need to tell her that I am definitely bisexual.

I head down to the kitchen where mum is sat at the table with a cup of tea as it is still early, around 9 o clock. I make myself a cuppa and sit opposite her. We just make small talk for a while and every time I go to tell her, I back out. I decide to just do it and say 'Mum I need to tell you something"
"What is it darling?" She asks, putting down her magazine and looking concerned.
"I'm bisexual" I say bluntly
"Oh darling that's wonderful. I'm so happy for you"
"You're okay with it?" I wonder
"Sweetheart I'm more than okay with it. You're still you, as long as you find someone to love I don't care what gender they are" she squeezes my hands from across the table. I get up and give her a huge hug. I really am so grateful to have such supportive people around me, I will never take that for granted.

I head upstairs after about an hour and FaceTime Harry. I describe to him everything that just happened without missing out a single detail. He's so happy for me, as always. I'm so thankful to have Harry in my life. He means so much more to me than I think he's aware of.
"So are you going to tell Liam and Niall?" He asks
"Well I'm meeting them at the park at 4 to play some football so I suppose I could tell them today"
"They will support you, you know that"
"I guess. I'm so nervous Haz"
"You've got this Lou" he says. He's my biggest cheerleader. Always supporting me. I guess that helped our friendship grow as fast as it did. We support eachother a lot. I decide that I am going to tell Liam and Niall today. They're really the only people left that I trust enough to tell, I suppose everyone else will find out one way or another.

I spend the rest of the day binge watching Netflix with Lottie until 3:30 when I throw on a pair of Adidas shorts with a Doncaster rovers jersey, white football socks and a pair of puma trainers. I put my football boots in a bag as its hard to drive with them on my feet. The park is only a 10 minute drive and I get there 10 minutes earlier than expected. Niall pulls up next to my Range Rover 2 minutes later and we both go and set up the plastic goals on the field as we wait for Liam to arrive. When he does, we just mess about, playing penalty shoot out and just generally practicing our skills. Later in the evening, at around 6 o clock we decided to start putting things away and heading back home. As we're walking to our cars, I say "boys, I have something to tell you. I don't want you to think of me any differently"
"Of course not" Niall says
"What is it?" Liam asks
"I'm bisexual"
"Oh Lou, we guessed that after the night out" niall giggles and Liam joins in.
"What? How?" I ask, genuinely confused.
"We watched how you acted around Harry. You clung to him" Niall says
"Louis I've never seen you dance before and I've also never seen you that happy" Liam adds.

I text Harry as soon as I get home.


I told them x

How did they take it? X

Much better than I thought
actually. They said they
already guessed. Lol x

Well that's good haha. How
come? X

Idk. They wouldn't tell
me why they guessed x

I'm glad it went well.
See you in 2 days x

I'm so excited. Feels like
forever since I last saw you x

Ugh I know. Miss u x

I miss you so much more x

Impossible. Night Lou x

Night Curly x

I couldn't tell Harry how the boys already worked out that I was attracted to Harry. I don't know if he sees me that way and I don't want to ruin anything we have. I respect him so much and I don't want to make him uncomfortable. I just keep my feelings to myself.

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