Harry Edward Styles

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Harry's POV
I am so nervous. In just two weeks I will be auditioning for The X Factor. For an 18 year old boy from Doncaster, this is an achievement.

I am so used to being the quiet teenager that nobody really knows. I like it this way and I'm afraid that The X Factor could change that.

This is between us, but The X Factor is a guilty pleasure of mine. I am a super fan. There. I said it.

I know the judges inside out, the backstage team, even the makeup artists. I have to be honest, I am most excited to see the makeup artist Lottie Tomlinson. She. Is. My. Favourite. Celeb. Ever.
I've promised myself though that if I meet her, I will act calm and stable.

But back to me being nervous; I am petrified of people judging me, on national TV. What if people don't like my voice? What if they judge me for being gay? I have hundreds of doubts racing through my mind.

The story will get more interesting and the chapters will become longer you just gotta stick with it!! Thank you all for reading🥺x

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