The son - H

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Harry's POV
Today's the day. I'm about to audition for The X Factor. Wish me luck, I need it.

The whole car journey there I was constantly fidgeting in my seat which, let me tell you, annoyed my Mum beyond belief.

Typical of my Mum, she gave me an hour long lecture which basically consisted of "act confident" and a few "you'll be fine"s. Which really, was not helping my nerves at all. But, being the kind son I am, thanked her for the pep talk and told her she'd helped my nerves massively.

As soon as we entered the building, I was given an audition number and told to go backstage for hair and makeup. I was so nervous about going on stage that I wasn't thinking about the fact I could possibly meet Lottie Tomlinson.

We were escorted backstage by a producer called Nick, a very handsome man, I must admit. I was told to sit in a dressing room and wait for someone to come. My Mum had gone to get a coffee so I was alone. For some odd reason, I felt calmer the longer I was there. A short minute later I heard a familiar voice from outside the door. No. It couldn't be. Could it? There's no way.

To my excitement, THE Lottie Tomlinson walked through the door and with a huge grin said 'ahh, you must be Harry'. I know I said that I would be calm, but try being face to face with your favourite celebrity. It's harder to be cool than you'd imagine. She began to comb through my curls, making them softer and bouncier than usual. She complimented my hair, calling it 'The most beautiful hair she'd ever seen' (I want this written on my gravestone).

About twenty minutes later, my mother came through the door but she wasn't alone. She was with a lady, whom I recognised. It was Jay Tomlinson, Lotties Mum. What a beautiful woman. My Mum and Jay seemed to hit it off straight away, they were deep in conversation the whole time I was in the dressing room. Likewise, Lottie and I had so much in common. We get on soooo well! As time went on, I felt myself become more comfortable around her and all nerves slowly went away.

Just as I began to relax, the door flew open. I convinced myself that it was going to be a producer telling me it was time for my audition but instead, it was Louis Tomlinson.

If you don't know who Louis is, have you been living under a rock? He is lotties brother, Jays son. The most beautiful man alive. And even better, he is only one year older than me. I can't lie, I have wished many times that we would end up together in some perfect world. However, he is pure angelic whereas I am just an average teenager. He wouldn't even give me a second look. And also, he has recently started dating a model called Eleanor Calder. Even the name makes me heave.

As he opened the door he looked unhappy and unbothered. He didn't even look in my direction at first, he went straight over to Jay and started complaining about something, I'm not sure what exactly, I was too busy staring and the back of him. That boy has got an ass.

After a few minutes of whining, Louis turned to Lottie and I and immediately he looked, shocked? I couldn't put my finger on his expression but it felt strange, unusual even. He suddenly got kind of shy and said softly to me; "o-oh hi. I'm Louis". At this point I was BRIGHT red. I couldn't stop staring at his face. His angelic, gorgeous blue eyes, his perfectly defined cheekbones and his little button nose, oh boy, God must've spent a while creating him. There was not a flaw to be seen.

Just as I was going to reply, Nick poked his head around the door and said 'Mr. Styles; they're ready for you". I took a deep breath and got up from my chair. My mum, Lottie, Jay and Louis all wished me good luck. After my encounter with Louis, I was feeling more positive about this than ever. Seeing Louis just made me feel radiant and confident, two things I've emerged felt before.

I've only just met this boy, what is he doing to me.

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