By the time we got to the club it was already packed with people but we didn't mind, an empty club is ten times worse than a full one.

As we walk in I had both Jess and Faye's hands in mine as we laughed and yelled like reckless teens. We brought attention to ourselves the moment we entered the club but none of us minded. It was exhilarating.

The scene was common, people dancing to the usual club music, girls dressed to their best and guys grateful to be in their presence, the smell of alcohol was intoxicatingly strong and the coloured lights made you instantly wake up as soon as you were hit by them.

"Shall we get a drink?" Nora shouts to us and we all make our way up to the bar. "What do you's want?" She says.

We were going straight onto shots. There was no reason not to.

"Tequila." I say and she grins at me.

The bartender sees us waiting and I smile at him as he nods in acknowledgement, indicating he will be right over. When he finished serving the group of lads next to us he walks over and gives me a friendly smile.

Nora's stood behind me and although she offered to get this one, I said that I'd get the first-round in.

"Could we have eight tequila shots please?"

Two each.

He grins at me and nods. Lifting up a little bowl of lime and a salt shaker and placing it in front of me, shamelessly trailing his eyes down my body. He pours the shots and then hands me the car machine. Tapping my card down quickly, I yell a thanks and turn back to the girls.

Instructing them to lick their hands, pour the salt and lick again, take the shot and then bite the lime I giggle at their sour faces.

"One more." I laugh and hand them their second shot.

Not soon after, our empty shot glasses are left on the bar and we make our way to the dance floor. The club is electric tonight, everyone feeding off of the surrounding smiles and fast dancing. I love clubs because the music is too loud to think, and all you can do is take the opportunity to let go and dance with your friends. I could dance with my friends all night, my body swaying with the music as if they were made out of it.

We each took it in turns to do our best dance move and laughed hysterically as we all looked like idiots but deciding not to care. Just having fun and being carefree.

The girls take it in turns to go and get drinks, which means my plan to stay on tequila didn't happen as each time they came back with a different type of shot.

Jägermeister. Not a fan. But i drank it anyway.

*Play Sorry By Joel Corry*

Jess drags Faye for a cigarette break and Nora and I continue to dance together. The song Sorry by Joel Corry comes on and Nora and I grin at each other, jumping along to the music and screaming the lyrics in each other's faces. Then throwing our head's back and laughing when we notice that the people around us are smiling along with us.

We dance together and twirl each other round until the song stops and change. Nora leans into my ear and whispers "There's two gorgeous guys watching us at the bar, what do you want to do?" She says and I follow her eyes.

They were pretty hot but nothing special.

"I'm not interested, are you?" I ask her, remembering her uninterest in boys at the moment.

"Yeah actually, I could really use a hook up." She grins and I just grin back.

"Keep dancing with me." She says. "They'll come over."

Confessions of a Teenage AlcoholicWhere stories live. Discover now