➵Ghost stories➵

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Chapter 6
"Scaredy cat~"

M/R's pov

This was it. I'm doomed. I just asked Karma Akabane to stay over.

He looked at me in shock, clearly not expecting the suggestion.

The blush on my face deepened slightly as I looked down. My hand was still gripping onto the hems on his shirt. "Can you? If it's not too much trouble?"

There had to be a reason behind on why I, out of all people, was asking someone to watch over me. Was it out of fear? That would make sense. She was out there; knew where I attended school, knew which route I took home and knew exactly what lines to cross. It was unnerving.

Karma smiled and took out his phone, beginning to text someone. I arched my brow and watched as he seemed to press enter and put his phone back in his pocket. "Spare me some clothes and I may as well." He grins, ruffling my hair.

I sighed in relief and slightly leaned into his hand, nodding. Quickly pulling out my keys and walking up the stairs, I took out the pistol from my sleeve and threw it back at Karma. "Hold onto that for me." I said.

He seemed a bit jumped at the sudden gun being thrown at him, but caught it nonetheless. I hummed and went over to the lift, calling for it and going in, gesturing for Karma to follow me in. The red-head did so, walking in and watching me press the button for the top floor.

Eventually we reached it, the doors opening. I headed to the door and unlocked it, opening my front door and walking in. A yawn escaped from my mouth as I rubbed my eyes, "Home at last." I smiled, slightly.

I flopped onto the couch and nuzzled into a pillow, sighing in relief. Karma arched a brow and seemed amused at my sudden change of personality, "So, M/R-Chan?~ Aren't you going to change?"

I looked at him and hummed. "Ah, right." I sighed, sitting up and stretching my arms out, heading to my bedroom. Karma seemed to follow behind me, looking around the flat/apartment. I kicked open my bedroom door, gracefully and waltzed on in.

I could tell he was amused. He seemed to be enjoying every second of this. Ahhh, how annoying.

"So, M/R. I have a question." Karma spoke up, his tone different from his usual playful one. He seemed serious.

"Yeah..? About?" I replied, changing my shirt.

"The person who's been chasing you."

My actions froze and a sigh escaped my lips. Quickly, I put on a comfortable hoodie and looked at him. "What about her..?" I asked.

"What's your connection to her? I remember you saying she was your mother, but why is she after you?"

Huh...That was a good question. Actually, I didn't know the answer myself. It was weird. Why is she after me?

Karma seemed to notice the confused and unsure expression on my face as he walked towards me, crouching down and looking up at my face. "You don't know?"

I shook my head, "No..I don't."

He sighed and sat on my bed.

"Hey, I never said you could make yourself that comfortable. Who gave you permission to sit there?" I growled.

He smirked and rolled his eyes, "You did. I mean, you asked me to stay over, so why the heck not? If I'm sleeping in this house, then I might as well get myself that comfortable."

Sigh. This is hopeless. Why did I even agree to this? Wait- no. I'm the one who asked him to stay over. Why did I do that? You're stupid, M/R.

"Unless you're hiding something in here?~"

Wait- what?

I turned to look at him. He had a devilish smile on his face as he began to look under my pillows.

"Wh- Hey! What're you doing?!" I questioned, confused.

"Oh come on~ You have to have something in here. Something you wouldn't want Karasuma-Sensei or anyone else to find. Every guy has something!" He smirked, now sliding down to look under the bed.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I groaned, "Also under there are my spare pistols."

He retracted his arms after finding out I was correct, "Yikes. What an unsafe place to put them. Aren't you scared the monster under your bed will steal these and attack you with them?"

"What am I, 5? Who believes in that anymore." I sighed.

"Oh? Well then, let's just wait for nightfall and see if I'm correct or not." He teased.

"Good grief." I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, yeah. Okay."

He hummed and stood back up, dusting himself off.

"Okay, I'm offended, my place is not at all dusty." I pouted slightly, "I get it cleaned every week."

The red-head snickered, "Uh-Huh. Hey, hey. Did you hear about the lady in the mirror?~"

I arched a brow, "I'm sorry, what?"

"The lady in the mirror! It's said that if you go to the bathroom at night all by yourself with the lights off, something bad will happen."

"Yeah, like what?"

"Once you look into the mirror, your reflection will be smiling. You'll see blood splattered all over the walls and you'll notice someone behind you. Creak. Creaaaakkk~" He began to walk around the room.

"That's not true, that's never happened to me." I mumbled.

"Oh no, she's just waiting for the right time to strike~ Waiting for when you least expect it~ And then..." He was behind me, his hands suddenly placed on my shoulders. He whispered in ,u ear, "She'll come for you."

A shriek left my mouth as I jumped, falling to my knees and hugging them, shaking.

He laughed at my reaction, "I'm sorry, hahah. I couldn't help my self."

"Fuck you!" I growled, hugging myself, "You're such an asshole, Akabane."

"I never knew you were one to get scared easily, L/N~" He teased. "It's adorable."

"I'm not! Not, not, not! I don't get scared over such childish things!" I huffed, standing back up. "Forget it. Can you cook?"

He hummed and arched a brow, "Cook? Yeah, I suppose."

I pursued my lips, "Can you make dinner..? I can't cook, I've just been relying on Nii-San's hired bodyguards to cook for me."

He sighed, "So hopeless. Alright, I'm on it." He says, making his way to the kitchen he passed by earlier.

A smile formed on my lips as I finished changing after he left. 'Jackass.'

Feathers➵Male Reader x Karma AkabaneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon