Inuyasha heard this and one of his eyes twitched.

Sesshomaru continued. "I can understand that if it is so. But still, I think he shoulda tol' me. Don't you agee?"

Rin nodded. Best that she went along with this. "Yes."

"I mean, all dis time I thought I was alone but I not! I has a brudder!" Sesshomaru's eyes shimmered like Venus at night.

Rin cleared her throat. "Yes..."

Then he calmed and inched toward her. He placed his hands behind his back and said in a solemn voice, "Rin, I have a question. May I voice it?"

Formal talk? Why had he suddenly changed? She nodded.

He pointed at Inuyasha. "How do you knows him?"

"He's a friend."

Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes at her. "Weally?" he said slowly. "Tell me, Rin: Is he your bestest friend in da world?"

Rin grinned. What an odd question coming from him. "No, Sesshomaru."

He nodded curtly, looking appeased. "Good, cause I don't approve."

"What the- hey!" Inuyasha cried out indignantly. "Why the hell not?"

If Sesshomaru were two and half feet taller he'd look down at Inuyasha with an all-knowing look. "Because, hanyou, Rin is my bestest friend in da world."

Inuyasha looked insulted. "You just met her today!"

Sesshomaru humphed. "Dat changes nothing, you fool."

Rin smiled. This was amusing... and heart warming. She absently wondered if he thought the same way about her in his adult form. Was she his bestfriend? And did he even have any friends? The few people she'd ever come across were not exactly what she would call friends- nor aquantences. They were leaders of demon tribes, and priests of villages. But no, none ever bothered to ask about Sesshomaru's day or how he was feeling inside.

Rin rarely asked him any of these questions herself because he almost never gave her any answer seeing that he didn't need to. She wanted to know him more- she did. Of course she did. But he was set in his ways, and married or not, he would stay the same and tell no one of his inner man.

Except at night, of course. At that time he was a different demon, bent solely on the purpose of loving Rin- or at least that's what she hoped he considered it as.

Her fingers moved against her kimono, arching and twisting anxiously. "I'm your best friend, Sesshomaru?"

Sesshomaru threw his hands up and jumped. His kimono flew up, revealing his pink knees, and his tiny feet patted against the floor, lightly uttering a soft thump. He gave Rin an exasperated look. "A course!"

Rin felt humbled. This had to mean something. He'd only just met her a few hours ago (well, that's what he thought) and he already considered her as his friend. This was good. Great, actually. "Thank you."

Then he gave her a sharp, intent look. "Am I your bestest friend in da world, Rin?"


He blushed, looking much more bashful and shy. He twisted the soles of his feet against the floor. "Really?" he muttered. "I'n your bestest friend?" He couldn't believe it! If this was so she was not only his first friend but a best friend too! "You only met me today, remember that."

Rin had to bite the inside of her mouth to stop herself from squealing. This was too much for her. Who knew her husband could be this adorable? "Oh, that doesn't matter. I feel like I met you years ago."

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