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"Queen Elsa of Arendelle!"

The pairs of nobles that had been skittering along the dance floor and the merry music stopped as trumpets indicated that I had reached the raised platform. I smiled and turned to face the crowd.

"Princess Anna of Arendelle!"

His other plump arm swung in the opposite direction, and the girl I both long and dread to see. Anna rushed forward, her strawberry-brown hair drawn up in a braided bun. I felt jolts of pain, sorrow, guilt, and nostalgia shooting through my entire being as I spotted that sinister streak of ivory weaving through her hair. She wore, as I had expected, Queen Primrose's gown.

It was black with a sweetheart neckline and had short, off-the-shoulder dark green sleeves. There were rose, teal, blue and purple swirls spreading along her bodice with a greenish-gold borderline. A black satin-laced necklace with a bronze pendant of Arendelle's symbol, a single snowflake, dangled from her neck. The olive drab skirt was striped with dark green sashes consisting of asparagus centers with pink, crimson, dark olive green, olive drab, and blue prints on it between cream sides. It resembled my own, in some ways. Mine was a teal dress with a sweetheart bodice and bronze trimming. The black long-sleeved turtleneck blouse stretched over my wrists and all the way to the middle of my hand in a triangular cut, decorated with red and teal crystals. A magenta cape was fastened on by an oval sapphire gem thinly framed with gold. A pair of dark brown flats with gold outlines and teal stockings clothed my feet.

Her black ballet shoes and white socks were visible beneath her dress skirt as she flounced towards us. She halted at the foot of the platform and quickly clasped her hands together, still bouncing on the balls of her feet and my smile became genuine at her awkward goofiness. She spotted our aunt and dropped her hands, forgetting where she was as she eagerly waved to Queen Ignar who chuckled and waved back, still in a curtsying position. Kai strode towards her, took her by the shoulders, and guided her to stand next to me. "Are you sure? Because I don't think I'm supposed to-- oh, okay."

Even then, she shuffled away, keeping her distance from the sister she never knew as the crowd straightened and applauded for the "sisters" of Arendelle as trumpets soared in the background.

I held back the admittance and apology that had sprung to my lips the second she had appeared, but the way she self-consciously fingered her necklace and kept her eyes on the floor nudged me to make conversation with her.

"Hi." I smiled reassuringly as she turned to face me, looking flabbergasted.

"Hi-hi me?" She pointed to herself, her shocked expression shifting to excited as I nodded. "Oh, um... hi."

I tried again. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you." She breathed, awestruck. I could read her amazement like a book. "You look beautifuller! I mean, not--not fuller, you don't look fuller, just more, more beautiful!"

"Thank you." I laughed at her fumbling and nervous demeanor. She blushed slightly, biting her lip as she stepped slightly closer to me, as if testing whether or not she should. I could feel her quivering in excitement, as though she couldn't believe it was happening. She didn't start blabbering away like she used to. She was obviously still nervous and shy, so I took the lead. "So, this is what a party looks like?"

"It's warmer than I thought." She commented.

"Well, that's ironic, when you think about the fact that you're standing right next to a living snow blower." I wanted to say. Instead, I said. "And what is that amazing smell?" The aroma of coco wafted through the halls as platters of chocolate were placed on the buffet table. We lifted our noses in the air in sync, sniffing at the warm scent that hung in the air.

How to Train Your Brave Frozen Tangled Guardians (The Big Eight)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat