Episode 20

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(Yoolie's pov)

The council gathered around once again and the ice seemed to have reached another empire.
"It was a really hard hit, I plan to lock down the entire empire." The Emperor of sire announced to us with folded arms. "You should lockdown yours as well." He said to me with an angry look. "It will cause outrage." I say worriedly towards him, looking at the overlord who looked at me with a serious gaze. "It doesn't matter, we need you to close them down so you can stop this rogue from getting out." He said with a stern tone, folding his arms. "And have you even gotten word from the king of dyrium?" I shake my head in a disappointed response. "But it should be coming in today. The letter from the king." I tell everyone which they nodded. "The lock down will help empress yoolie." What they never understand it a empire lockdown means no one gets in nor out of the empire. It will cause outrage for the people trying to leave and get away from this deadly winter.
"I will take it to consideration but I will not be shutting it down now. I will find princess y/n and keep her in a safe place."
With that the meeting had ended and me and my royal assassin got back home and continued the search for princess y/n along with kenji who's my main concern.
When I came back a letter I predicted was waiting for me of course from dyrium. "M'lady, a letter." My maid handed to me the letter and i gently took the envelope, opening it and reading the cursive writing.

Hello empress yoolie, I'm glad you've reached out to me. Oh dear I understand what's going on and know of your concerns of what's happening with the ice. But I don't believe I should help you, this wasn't an attack on my own kingdom and I don't believe this is my fight. It's the empires fight. I'm not the one to take on this war as it's a completely different war from ours with terial. The Empire is strong, and can fight back with strong fists. I hope you understand. Yours truly, ----

His signature was smudged so I couldn't read it correctly but I knew it was from him. This really made me angry with him and he refuses to work with us. I've hidden his name away and this is how I'm repaid?! Now I will not stand for this! Not one bit!
"What will we do now?" My assassin asks worriedly but I scoff in response, throwing the letter away.
"We find y/n. Maybe she can talk some sense into that stubborn king. Look everywhere, she's gotta be somewhere."

(Y/n's pov)

I can't lay here, feeling like trash the whole time with the worry of kenji coming at any moment in time. Eugene comes in with food every now and then, jack comes to check up on me a few times. I still taste that gross medicine in my mouth, it was thick too which made it worse.
Laying here is agony, I just felt like it was only getting worse. The dizziness I'm feeling is progressing more then decreasing but of course the doctor said that it was gonna take awhile. Eugene even said we won't be able to stay long. He's been trying to convince me to go to the border of the empire which I'm thinking about. I can't even believe I'm even debating this even if it's the right choice I still feel terrible for thinking of abandoning everything. Though I could fix it. I want to fix everything but eugene doesn't seem to be wanting to stick around for long but he knows I'm paying him very well. 10,000 gold it ALOT for an out of work assassin.
The door opens and I see eugene of course in his armored attire.
"Feeling any better?" He asks as he closes the door behind him and sitting down in the chair beside the bed. I groaned as a response for his question. "Thought so. I got extra medicine for our road. With every stop, you go straight to napping." He orders which I completely agreed with. "Aren't I supposed to be giving the orders?" I chuckled with a slight playful glare towards him. He hummed and looked at his hands. "I suppose." I furrowed my eyebrows not understanding if he got my joke of not. "I was joking you know." I tell him, he looked at me and nodded. "Sorry princess." Eugene said in a scruffy tone which made me giggle a little. "Don't apologize, you did nothing wrong." I laughed which made him smile a little bit, making me a little shocked. "Oh dear Lord he can smile!" He shakes his head, rolling his eyes and looking back down at his hands. "Though princess I still have to apologize. It was my fault to go through those woods when we could have taken another route." I felt bad he thought this way of himself, taking blame for taking that sudden route when really we didn't know about those woods. "We didn't know. It wasn't your fault." I reassure him with a sweet smile which he looked up and stared at me for a long while. I stared into his eyes and I truly got to see his wondrous features.
He had white hair with blue piercing eyes, his hair was neatly done. He also had an earring on his right ear which I found super cute and suited him very well.
I could stare into his beautiful eyes forever but I suddenly realized what I was doing and looked away quickly. "So when are we heading off?" I asked him as i was Looking to the side. "I was planning later tonight or in the morning. We still gotta be moving." He tells me, still staring at me feeling his soft gaze on me as I was still looking away. "Why are you turned away?" He asks me but I looked at him again with a soft smile and shake my head. "Its nothing don't worry much about it." He nodded and stood from the chair and bowed. "Get rest, I'll see you either tonight or in the morning. Jack will give you you're dinner. I'll be off talking to the king of amden to explain to him what's happening." He was so helpful, I'm glad I met him and glad that red had showed me the way to him. "Thank you." With that he left the room and probably the inn it's self. I fell asleep soon after for what seemed like hours.

(Eugene's pov)

"Take her the dinner when it's ready Jack, I'm counting on you to be at her aid if there's anything wrong." I order him but he stood up quickly and looked at me worriedly. "Where will you be?" He asks with concern, telling him I will be at the kingdom and if that anything happens, to go without me. "Go without you?! I can't do that!" He shouted at me, I understood why but desperate times come with desperate measures. "You can't wait for me. You gotta keep going." I then left after i had said that and walked towards the castle, walking past huge crowds of people until I got to steps, walking up these stone stairs i come across the large castle doors with guards standing in front of them with red armor and large staffs with sharp blades at the ends of them. The staffs met with a cross over the doors as the guards blocked my way from getting inside. "State your buisness." One of them commands of me which I simply stare at them with my cold blue eyes. "I've come to give the king an explanation of this deadly winter." They paused for a moment before the doors opened and revealed a woman with blonde tied up hair and a long dress. "Let him in."
Walking inside through the doors and into the castle, meeting with a man sitting on a cold throne in front of me. Not thinking to be seeing him immediately. I walked on the red carpet thag led towards him, the guards followed behind be with the woman in front of me. She then walked towards a smaller gold chair and sat beside what looked to be her father.
I take a bow once I've reached the approximate distance of the king and take a knee.
"Speak." He commanded which I nodded and looked at him with a soft gaze. "Sir I'm the royal assassin Eugene Douglas, working along side with princess y/n who has run away from damthril in terror of the rogue king, kenji yana. I've come to warn you of these harsh winters as they will become more worse and more deadly. I suggest you put the kingdom on lockdown for the safety of your people." I explain it all entirely to him which he slowly nodded and understood the situation. "Thank you for the information sir douglas. Will you need assistance?" He asks and I nodded with a soft smirk. "Yes, if kenji comes here you will need to chase him out with all the men you got." He nods and snaps his fingers with several guards in red armour rushing inside the throne room. He gave them clean cut instructions of what the plan is and what they will need to do when kenji gets here which is most likely soon. Now we have people to be fighting back against kenji.

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