"Here," Geralt passed Aldith a small brown pouch, obviously full of coin, "Order some drinks, food and a room. I'll be back."

"Um - ok. What will you eat? Drink? Do you want separate rooms?" Aldith asked nervously, feebly playing with the thread that hung off the bag.

"Get me anything, I'm not arsed. We aren't having separate rooms, it costs too much. Though I doubt you mind the idea of sharing a bed with me too much." Geralt replied, not even a glint of a joke in his eye. He spun round quickly and began to trail off, carrying a saddlebag with his tattered armour in.

Aldith stepped through the door, and a warm, cozy haze was cast along the wall from the fireplace. The smell of pine, and citrus swam through the air, attacking her nostrils in the most pleasant way. It smelt a damn sight better than her, and the smell of shit that runs through the rural areas.

"Hello, darling. My, my - look at you! You're filthy, and you must be starved!" A middle aged woman spoke with enthusiasm in her voice at the sight of a new customer.

"Yes, I was wondering if it be possible to pay for a room, and get something to eat and drink for my friend." Aldith replied politely.

"Of course, of course!" The woman chirped and smiled, "Go over to that table by the fire, warm up and I'll bring you a drink. I'll make sure your room is ready."

The bar woman was only short in stature, a loose grey bun sat at the back of her head whilst loose strands framed her face. She was plump but not fat, and carried herself with incredible posture. She was one of the most positive women she had ever met, and her enthusiasm and happiness made Aldith feel the same, exactly the same. She had no idea where the happiness came from, whenever she was with Geralt she felt awfully broody, and not in the child bearing sense.

Aldith sat by the fire, and took in the sights of the quaint little inn, how there was barely any people in there. She could settle here, maybe get a job as a cleaner or barmaid. She rested her head on her hand and watched the flames dance. The light brought out the colour of her eyes, and accentuated her features.

Geralt noticed this as he walked through the door, and bowed his head at the barmaid as she showed him a toothy, gleaming smile. He turned to look at Aldith, and paused for a minute. He took in her porcelain, smooth skin that didn't have a single blemish or wrinkle. Her eyes almost looked amber in the flames light, and her hair was flowing down her back in waves, with a few strands hanging over her shoulders. She held a small smile on her face as she looked into the fireplace, lost in thought. She was beautiful, one of the most beautiful women Geralt had ever seen - and he hated to admit it. He felt nothing for her, but he wanted her. He knew there was a sexual attraction between the both of them. He'd stared long enough, as the barmaid coughed, startling both Geralt and Aldith. Geralt turned to the barmaid, who held a knowing smirk.

"Witcher. You're back." Aldith spoke, turning to face him. 'My god' , she thought as she also took in his appearance. His hair was messy, still held in the Rivian ponytail, but he had two single strands sitting at the sides of his face. He was wearing a black tunic, the front of it opened slightly, revealing a hairy, dark chest, and a slight hint of muscle.

He set his swords down, and sat on the stool opposite Aldith. Picking up his drink and taking a sip, he cleared his throat. "Your home. Who burnt it down?"

"Bandits." Aldith responded, picking up her drink and having a drink. She winced, "We were only a small village. About 25 of us, including me and my family. But my family are long gone. So it was just me and I was reading a book on - um, never mind." She paused as she remembered she was reading tales of the very man that sat in front of her. She took another drink. " I saw a faint glow under the door, didn't think much of it until I heard screaming. I checked and there it was, a fire ravaging the entire village. Foltest didn't care, we only 'drained' resources. So in his eyes, it was probably population control. I managed to get away unnoticed." She looked down at her tankard.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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