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"How much longer are we staying out here?" I asked Doyoung as I sat next to him on a log.
"Not sure. Hyunsuk and Yoshinori will let us know." He said and I looked around.
"Where are they?"
"Oh. They all went to get food and water. They'll be back." He said and I nodded.
Did the guys really leave me ALONE with a softie like Doyoung and think I won't leave!?
Maybe it's a trick.
Should I risk it?

"Just go Abby. We've got nothing to lose anyways." Doyoung spoke and I looked at the ground.
I didn't have anything to say so I just did as he said.
I stood up and walked away.
I stopped and thought for a moment.
Should I hug him?
Or should I just leave?
I kept walking and never looked back.



"You ready babe?" My boyfriend Reggie asked me as he joined me in the bathroom.
"Yea." I said as I sat the brush down on the sink.
Reggie and I had started dating last year and we're starting the same college today.
I'm not as nervous because I have him.
I got me an apartment after I graduated and Reggie kind of lives here.
He's always here but this isn't exactly his home.
We got in his car and drove to school.

I was waiting on the school parking lot for Reggie but he never came and his car was no longer here.
I started to worry because Reggies never just left me.
"Long time no see." I heard a familiar voice say.
I turned around and saw Junkyu.
My heart dropped.
"Don't worry. The guys and I aren't mad at you." He smiled as he walked closer.

"You have no reason to be mad." I said and he looked at the ground and chuckled.
"I mean I guess not since you never told the cops....."
He then began to walk in slow circles around me.
"But does your lover know?"
"No he doesn't asshole."
"Is that what you remember my name being? Last time I checked it was Yoshinori." He said and I scoffed.

  "Why are you here?" I asked rudely.
"Can't just say hi to an old friend?" He asked and I frowned.
"No you idiot." I said and he laughed.
"Look. Abby, we started out on the wrong foot. Why don't we start over?" He asked and I laughed loudly.
"Definitely not. Now leave me alone before I go to the cops." I said before walking off.
"Can I at least know why not?" He asked and I stopped and sighed.
"Are you kidding!? You locked me in a basement for hours... HOURSSS. My first day of school. I just wanted help to class." I said and then shook my head.

  "I don't want to start over. Goodbye, Yoshinori." I said and walked off completely.
Might as well just walk home since Reggie obviously wasn't coming.
I walked in and sat on my couch and started thinking.
Thinking about things that haven't crossed my mind in a year.
The guys.
I wonder what happened to Doyoung after he let me leave.
Oh my gosh.
What if he's dead?
Knowing Yoshinori and Hyunsuk they probably raped him.

    I don't wanna start over with all of the guys but maybe just a couple of them.
But I know that if I get involved with one I'll be involved with all.


  I decided to walk home again after I still hadn't heard from Reggie.
"Abby?" I heard a voice say and I looked and saw Asahi.
As if it were an instinct I took off running as fast as I could.
"Wait! Abby!" He called after me.
I couldn't run to my place because then he'd know where I live.
If he doesn't already.
Eventually I reached a dead end street and I stopped.

  "I just wanna talk." Asahi said out of breath.
"About what!? I have nothing to say to you!" I yelled and he looked at the ground.
"I'm sorry! We're all sorry! It wasn't right for us to do those things to you." He said and I shook my head.
"You knew those things weren't right when you did them! You can't just rape me and think I'll forgive you!" I yelled and he sighed.
"Do all of us have to be punished? It was only us older guys." He said and I thought for a moment.

  "Don't you wanna see Haruto?" He asked and I shook my head no.
"I have a boyfriend. I don't wanna see any of you." I said and he huffed.
"Fine." He said and turned around to leave.
"Where's Doyoung?" I asked and he shrugged.
"Somewhere around town. All of us don't keep in contact anymore." He said before leaving.
Oh my gosh.
What the fuck happened after I left?

 COMPLETED TREASURE~BAD BOYTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon