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"Where are we going?" Zacharrine asks me for tenth time in less than three minutes.

"Somewhere," I roll my eyes.

"A–," he opens his mouth, but I beat him to it.

"One more word, I'm gonna leave you and not even look back once,"

"I can easily catch up to you," he says oh-so smugly and I want nothing more than to punch his idiotic face.

"Oh, you can try," I reply just as smugly.

Why is he here? I didn't even ask him to come with. It's just neither of us could sleep, and I decided to ride around, and he took Val's bicycle and followed, like a little lost puppy. If he were a puppy, he would definitely be a very ugly, despicable puppy though, always getting on my nerves.

"Seriously, where are we going? We've been–,"

Deciding to ignore him, I pedal a little bit faster and get ahead of him. I could have just as easily lost him and just go about my way, but he has my sister's bicycle. I can't possibly just leave the bicycle with him now, can I?

A few more minutes pass, before I stop and get down from my bicycle and wait for the slowpoke to catch up.

"I. Told. You. I–" he is panting so hard he can't even speak; I have to bite my inner cheek to stop myself from laughing, "–could catch up. Damn," he heavs, "Glad to know you find my misery amusing,"

"I am not saying anything," I raise my hands, shrugging.

"You don't have to," he then scans our surroundings, shaking his head, "We rode all the way to a forest in the middle of nowhere at like midnight. Great, just great,"

"Hey, no one asked you to come with and no one is asking you to stay,"

"Rude. I thought you'd like some company,"

"Well, I don't,"

"Well, I do. So I'm gonna stay,"

"Suit yourself," I shrug, and start walking into the forest, pushing the bicycle.

"Where are you going?" he yells, but soon enough he is following me.

Like I said, a lost puppy.

I don't say anything and just keep walking, but that doesn't mean the idiot shuts up too.

"This is so not a good idea. Do you know how many terrible things can happen in a forest? And at night? Have you never watched any horror films," the fact that he is whispering only made it more annoying, "Or what if like horrible creatures lived here? Vampires? Werewolves? We–,"

"The only horrible creature here now is you," I retort, unable to help myself.

"Ha-ha funny. Seriously Dan, where are we going?"

"What, are you scared?"

"If you think I'm gonna say no, you're so wrong buddy," he scoffs.

I just shake my head — is he trying to prove that he is much more of an idiot than I presumed him to be?

"Wait, no. That came out wrong,"

Thankfully, we reach our destination before he can ramble any more.

It is an old mansion. No one lived there anymore, at least not to my knowledge. Plus, there are vines overgrown around the house, and there are spider webs everywhere, it has to be unoccupied. I have been visiting this place ever since my family and I moved here and there isn't a single time I'd found anyone around the house.

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