Chapter 19 part 2

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A few of the pack warriors just gave up when they felt that their alpha was killed. But Jordan Stepped up and howled. We all howled with him. Those that weren't killed, became even more vicious and attacked with renewed force. I killed the rogue that had killed Jetson, and went over to help Chase. I had killed 7 of the rogues that had ganged up on him, but the 8th had gotten to his throat while he was held down by 3 other rogues. Chase was gone before I could do anything to save him.


Crystal's POV

I pressed myself against the door as rogues threw themselves at it. All of the woman and children made it down there and I was the last one in. I had noticed that there was a lot more kids then when I was here last. I had to for more help so I called to Sam for help.

"Sam! Help me I cant hold it much longer!"

As if on cue, the door flew open and sent me flying to the floor. I was on my back. I groaned in pain as I stood up. The 2 rogues out side the door were REALLY buff and muscular. They must have been on steriods. They sneered.

"Well well well. What do we have here Klaus?"

"Well Elijah, it looks like we havea bunch of woman and children all alone in a confined space with us blocking their only exit."

I sneered back. Sam stepped up next to me.

"Well well well. What do we have here Sam?"

"Well Crystal, it looks like we havee to assholes that have so blindly steped into our trap."

The one called Klaus frowned.

"What trap?"

I smirked.

"This trap."

All of the kids stepped in front of us with supesoakers filled with wolfsbane mixed in with silver. Elijah scoffed.

"We arent afraid of your water guns."

"Its not the water guns you should be afraid of, Its whats in them."

Sam yelled,


All of the kids yelled and screamed as they aimed the soakers at them and pulled the triggers. As the mixture hit them, they screamed. After they had been soaked in most of it, they fell to the ground and passed out. Sam and I laughed. We pulled on some rubber gloves we had found and dragged them out of the bunker. I grabbed a soaker and soaked the door. We pulled of the gloves and threw them on the rogues. We shut the door and locked it.

One of woman that was pregnat started to cry. I walked up to her.

"Whats wrong?"

"M-m-m-m-m-my m-m-m-m-mate just died.

She started crying harder. I pulled her into a hug. She cried on my shoulder. There was a dull ache in my back, that was getting more painfull and spreading. I had to distract the girl somehow.

"Whats your name?"

"M-m-m-m-my name is Mary."

"How old are you Mary?"

"I just turned 18."

"Whats your mate name?"

"H-h-h-his name is Riley."

"Well he must be a really nice person."

"Ho do you know that?"

"He has you for a mate."

She smiled and hugged me. I hugged her back. I noticed some light coming from the back of the room.

"Um, Mary is that a window?"

She looked at what I was pointing at.

"Um, that is a window."

I grabbed a soaker that still had stuff in it. I aimed it at the window right as it broke. I was about to pull the trigger as I saw who it was. It was Matthew. Sam ran over to him and he pulled her into a hug. Mary started to cry again. Matthew went over to the door and opened it. The men that were standing nehind the door ran in and went t their mates. Gavin wasnt there. I felt tears come into my eyes. But I ignored them. The men helped us get out of there through the window. Mary still hadnt let go of me.

We walked to the pack doctor along with everyone else. Mary hadnt stopped crying. As the doctor was looking oer her, I felt a pair of warm arms come around me. I relaxed into them as I felt the sparks erupting across my skin.


#sadchapter. This is a really sad chapter to me. It didnt take me long to write though. I want to cry though. I guess that just shows what a crybaby I am. Ciao

Sorry Dear AlphaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon