I got to my locker hearing some people walking around the close to empty halls. I leaned forward against the cool metal until I heard my name being called. I turned to see Luke jogging towards me.

"Hey. Why'd you run off?" He smiled like nothing happened.

"Excuse me?" I said through gritted teeth.

"I've missed you. Why'd you run off?" He asked more confused now.

"You've missed me!? That's beyond hilarious considering you've been avoiding and ditching me." I snapped.

"No, I haven't." He defended.

"Oh, so forgetting to drive me to my shoot then forgetting to show up to our photo shoot was nothing!? Huh!" I let out a puff of air then relaxed. "Look, I don't know what had been going on with you these past few days, but I don't like it. I'm your girlfriend remember. You can tell me anything." I started walking off then remembered the pictures. "Oh, and here are my pictures from the shoot last night." I shoved the printed copies of the photos we took last night at him and walked away towards my friends under the tree.

I plopped down between Ricky and Daniel and watched a minute later as a very mad Luke came stomping out shoving the pictures into his bag. "Can I speak with you please?" He asked through gritted teeth.

I rolled my eyes and stood up walking to my car to talk. "What, Luke?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Look, Izzy. I'm sorry I missed our shoot, and I'm sorry I couldn't take you to your other shoot. But I wasn't just ditching you! I was setting up a road trip for you to meet my parents this weekend in Yamba since we have a 5 day weekend! I know I shouldn't have forgotten our shoot last night, but now I'm paying for it by seeing some other mans hands all over your body! The body only I can touch! The body only I know how to properly touch! So I -am sorry, okay!? I'm sorry dammit." His voice cracked at the end as he started walking away while I had tears streaming down my face.

I pulled his arm back and crashed my lips onto his. I wrapped my arms around his neck tangling my hands in his hair as he lifted me up onto the hood of my car and kept his hands tightly around my waist, pulling our bodies until there was no space between us.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know." I whispered against his lips.

"I wanted it to be a surprise, but we leave tonight. I already talked to Camila and packed your bags." He smiled and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"You packed my modeling lingerie didn't you?" I giggled at him.

"Most definitely." He smirked and continued on kissing me. "Should we get back to lunch?" He broke away from our kiss.

"No. We should leave now." I smiled, excited that we are going on a trip together.

"Like go home or go to Yamba?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Lets go to Yamba. We can leave now and have the best weekend ever." I smiled and kissed his neck softly while hugging him.

"Okay." He pulled away from the hug and pulled out his keys. "I need to go get my bags from my place then I'll meet you at yours." He kissed my lips softly once more before starting to walk away.

I smiled at the thought that he wasn't ditching me or mad at me. He was just planning an insanely romantic gesture to meet his parents. I heard fast feet coming towards me before I looked up and saw Luke panting in front of me. "I forgot to tell you I love you." He kissed my lips again causing me a bright red blush before walking away again.

This time I got into my car and started driving along with Panic! At the Disco playing through my speakers.


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