Chapter 16

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Izzy's POV

I had woken up earlier than Luke. I slid out of his arms in bed and pulled on my black bikini. Our hotel wasn't really a hotel. It was a beach house. There wasn't any other house near house which was amazing. It was just Luke and I. It was beyond romantic.

I stood in the water, running my hands daintily over the surface and watching the water ripple beneath my fingertips. This was the most peaceful place I had ever been to. I smiled and turned around when I heard the camera click on a phone. Luke stood there holding his phone and scrolling on some app.

I walked back to shore just in time to see Luke set the picture he took as his screensaver. "You're too beautiful, Iz." He whispered and kissed me.

"Good morning." I whispered and kissed him back.

"Yes it is. I can't believe it's already our second week of our honeymoon." He whispered and pulled me closer.

"It's amazing out here." I smiled, turning to look at the clear ocean. Luke wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder.

"You better enjoy today then because we're leaving for the second part of our honeymoon." He kissed the back of my head, and I turned shocked.

"This is too expensive, Luke. You cannot spend all your money on me." I said.

"Our money, darling." He whispered with a smile.

"This beach house must've been a lot to rent already. You can't be taking me somewhere else." I exclaimed with wide eyes.

"I bought this beach house, baby." Luke shrugged, looking down at me.

"You bought it!" I yelled with excitement and shock.

"Hell yeah! I want to be able to come and stay here whenever I want because this is were I spent my first week with you as my wife." He leaned down and kissed me again. "Now get used to this because I'm taking you somewhere else." He said with a smirk.

"Where?" I sighed.

"Sweden." He smiled at me before picking me up in his arms and bringing me inside the house again. Our house now. "Now that we've been at the beach for a week, I want to take you to see some snow." He blushed a little, making me smile.

"I love you so much, Luke Bradford." I whispered while I straddled him on the couch.

"I love you so much more, Izzy Bradford." He kissed my nose before he hugged my waist. "We have to leave soon, baby. Why don't you go take a shower, and I'll get everything locked up and ready to go."

"I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I'm going to be trying to be good enough for the rest of my life." I whispered back to him before getting up and walking into the bathroom.

I relaxed under the warm water for a couple minutes, not doing anything. I felt arms wrap around my waist, and I jumped a little but relaxed afterwards.

"You are good enough. Don't ever say that again." Luke said into my ear, almost irritated.

"Okay." I said with a sigh, but it was true.

Luke and I started washing ourselves, not saying a word. What could I say? I don't think I'm good enough for you because of all you have done for me. I do abosolutely nothing for Luke yet he wants me. I still can't grasp the concept that this beautiful, sweet man wants me when he could have a rich girl give him anything he wants.

I sat on the bed, putting on my shoes, after I had gotten out of the shower and dressed. "Do you not realize how much you've saved me? How much you've helped me?" Luke's sad and pleading voice spoke above me.

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