2 ; Sexy Mouth (E)

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I'll publish this and RUN to find you all some holy water because DAMN 😳😳😳😳😳🏃🏼‍♀️.

It only took a few moments to enter through to the VIP section, Copter still had to give his card and license to the girl at the VIP entrance who checked his ID against the application in their systems before giving them a brief, concise speech about the club rules, then the go-ahead to enter and they were inside.

Kimmon's hand moved to touch Copter's lower back as he guided him to another employee, this one behind a bar, but with no alcohol to be seen. There were sports drinks on the shelves instead, chilled containers of different types of juice and icy water with condensation dripping down the bottles. The VIP half of the club had a no alcohol tolerance policy as provided by the sign above the bar, but Tee had told him that already.

Copter was listening to Kimmon talk with the male employee but was soon distracted, much more interested in the rest of the room than a juice bar. The furniture was all black leather, more couches and chairs than in the outer section of the club, but there were also various play areas marking the floor. None of them occupied right then, yet the night was young.

A small stage took up most of the back wall, empty at the moment, the red lights dimmed. Another couple of areas had padded black benches with the straps hanging from them loosely. There was a long, padded leather strip running from down one side of the room with little metal rings inset in the wall. A big wooden 'X' in one corner and an oversized black cage in another. It was a lot, more than what Copter could really process all at once, eyes darting around as he tried to take everything in. It was then he realised how nervous he was, palms sweaty and cold.

It was nowhere near crowded. However, there were more people here than Copter expected considering how almost empty the other section had been. They gathered in pairs or small groups on the couches, a few of them watching him curiously. Then, Kimmon's hand slid up from its previous position to hold the back of his neck, and Kimmon was there with a keycard and a couple of bottles in hand.

He led them upstairs, down a hallway and into a small room. The door clicked shut with a finality that had him thrumming with nerves and excitement. There were more signs on the wall: club rules, consent, safe sex and aftercare. The room had a queen-sized bed, the material only black leather.

Probably so it'll be easier to clean.

Dark wood covered the floors much like the rest of downstairs, but the lights were an ordinary white, not red. There were also a chest of drawers, where Kimmon placed down the items occupying his hands, a large chair and a wide stool cushioned with the familiar black leather. Off to the side, he could see the bathroom that Kimmon went inside to wash his hands. It had the basic shower, toilet and sink. 

It dawned on Copter, what could they really do together without Kimmon touching him, without ropes or toys or gear? His mind ran wild but came up empty so he just stood there awkwardly in the centre of the room, unsure of himself.

After a moment, the water shut off and Kimmon exited the bathroom to stand in front of him. "Alright, gorgeous. If anything happens you don't like, tonight, or any scene you do, use your safe words. Green means go, you're good. Yellow is a pause, a check-in, too much or too fast or stop doing this particular thing because I don't like it or it makes me uncomfortable or it hurts too much or whatever. Red is a full stop, and usually the end of a scene, depending on why you called it. Ideally, you call yellow before you get to red, but things happen and a scene can overwhelm you before you realise it sometimes. Do not hesitate to use your safewords, no matter what. Do you understand?"

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