Superhero Legends - White Hawk ://Chapter Six//:

Start from the beginning

I sighed “David is the most awesome, amazing and handsome guy in the world and I love him so much!”

“Uh-uh you forgot to say extremely” He laughed at me as I kicked my leg over at him making my seat sway all funny for a moment, once it was back to normal I repeated myself adding in extremely, getting it right this time. We stayed on the swings for some time after that, but after checking my phone for the tenth time I knew that we had to leave.

“C’mon, it’s late. We’d better go before mum has a panic attack and dad puts me on ‘lock down’” I muttered sarcastically shooting a sly smirk at him jumping off the swing. David mimicked my actions and we began walking.


“Hmm?” I mumbled tiredly as we began to reach the edge of the park.

“If someone, someone really close to you liked you, like really liked you… What would you say?”

“Uh, I don’t know” I was too tired now that my momentary high was gone to even comprehend what he was getting at, but I woke up a little bit when he grabbed me and turned me towards him.

“Felicity, I… I’m in love with you” And then he did what they always did after confessing their love, he kissed me. The kiss wasn’t over the top amazing and it didn’t have fireworks but it felt nice like most kisses did but when the person kissing you wasn’t the one you wanted kissing you, it didn’t seem as grand. So I did the only thing a girl can do, I rejected him and pushed him away without a second thought.

“You kissed me!” I shouted taking a small barely there step back “Why did you kiss me?”


I didn’t know what to do so I left. It wasn’t the right thing to do I know but when it clicked in my mind that David wanted to move childhood friends to the next level… to move it to high school sweet hearts that’s when my mind blanked. I didn’t run too long, just enough to avoid being caught. The element of surprise from pushing him away and running gained me enough time to make a few turns and cuts to avoid him catching me.

When I knew I was safe I turned looking around aimlessly since I had no I idea where I was now. Was my house this way? Or was it this way? I didn’t know. I was completely and utterly lost. I sighed, wrapped my arms around me and walked. I looked for street signs but this street just happened to be extremely long. Just my luck.

A voice behind me caused me to jump in fright. “Young ladies shouldn’t be walking around at this hour of the night.” I spun around to see a man standing there and in a moment I was tripping back on my own feet trying to get away “Haven’t you learnt your lesson Felicity?”

I settled down relief filling me when I saw who it was  “White Hawk” I breathed a smile slipping on my face,; I wasn’t lost anymore, I didn’t have to think about what just happened with David and I didn’t have to worry about being kidnapped or mugged.

“It’s just Hawk remember” He smiled at me blue eyes glowing in the dark “Come I’ll walk you home”

Leave? Already? Couldn’t we just hang out? I didn’t want to leave.

“What if I don’t want to go home?” I asked, basically flirting, but other than the small glint in his eyes and the tip of his mouth he gave nothing away to show his returned interest.

“We’ll we can’t stay here. It’s not a safe town” Hawk said and I noticed he did this thing with his whole body, almost as if he was always on the watch for something. It gave me a sense of deja’vu but before I could place my finger on it… it was gone.

Superhero Legends - White HawkWhere stories live. Discover now