Chapter 6

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Edited July 19, 2015

As Cole led me out of the food area I began to wonder why he was taking me to the balcony. When we got there I hadn't realized that he had stopped in front of me so I slammed right into him.

"Look at me." Cole said abruptly. I looked a him. Before I could say anything he took my hand and said, "Keep this, but open it when your alone tonight." as he put an envelope with my name on it into my hand and with that he left me standing there confused even more than I was before. What is his problem? Does he enjoy ditching people on this balcony or am I just a special case?


For the rest of the day I was led through a series of different types of exercises. Some doctors had me to a type of physical exercise and some had me do mental work. As the nurse that sounded like a bird came on to tell me that I would be seeing one more doctor, I wanted to scream. This was all too much for just needing stitches in my head. There is something else going on. Right as I was thinking this, a young man with brown Justin Bieber hair came in.

"Hello Taylor. I'm Dr.-" he began

"I don't care what your name is. Tell me why I am here!" I cut him off and was yelling. I didn't even care if anyone else, even Cole could hear me. All I want is to know what's going on.

"Well Taylor I understand your frustration, but if you let me finish then maybe some things I say will answer your questions." he paused for a few seconds probably expecting to say something then continued," Thank you. As I was saying, my name is Dr. Posen, but you can call my Ryan if you would like. You came here in the first place, because not only did you fall and split your head open, but you were also in a coma for about three months. Now, myself and other doctors would like you to stay here for reasons we aren't allowed to discuss yet."As he finished, I was in absolute astonishment.

"Wow" I retorted. "You do realize you didn't tell me anything I couldn't have guessed myself, right?" I knew I was being really rude by the one of my voice, but I didn't care. I was furious. I have a right to know. It is me that they are talking about anyway. This all just seems absurd. I just need somewhere to scream.

I looked up and realized that Dr. Posen had left the room. I thought of ways I could leave this place. Maybe if I'm lucky, one of the doctors or nurses will someway let slip a way for me to get out of here. Then I remembered what Cole had said this morning. I put my hand into my pocket and took out the envelope. When I opened it all thoughts of leaving left my mind.

Author note:

PLEASE stop calling IM5, IM3. That's not who they are. They still are IM5. We need to show them our unconditional love. I know that I am not the only one out there who feels this way.


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