Chapter 20

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Me: why did you never tell me you could sing

Cupcake: I had no idea you would care

Me: of course I would care, Cupcake who wouldn't wanna know their boyfriend could sing

Cupcake: so what if a boy can sing it'll make the girl love him more

Me: hell yes

Cupcake: that would've been nice to know

Me: you shoudve sang on the first wouldve not of gone down in flames

Cupcake: but I don't sing on first date

Me: you say that as if youve been on dates before me

Cupcake: so what if I did

Me: ...

Cupcake: I've only had one girlfriend and I was little and It was you

Me: you scared me

Cupcake: or were you JELOUS

Me: I don't get jelous

Cupcake: mhm sure.

Me: Sorry Pendery

Cupcake: Roday

Me: oh not this again

Cupcake: only for the best

Me: stop saying that like really

Cupcake: is it bothering you?

Me: highly

Cupcake: mission accomplished

Me: oh? Two can play at this game

Cupcake: being it

Me: people are annoying as fuck, they can all suck my ass

Cupcake: no stop

Me: are you hot and bothered again

Cupcake: shut up

Me: shall I go on

Cupcake: I swear to god

Me: ooo fisty

Cupcake: can I introduce you to someone

Me: way to change the subject, a friend?

Cupcake: someone even better ;)

Me: who

Cupcake: my parents

Me: Cole Pendery saw wha?

Cupcake: don't go all Miley Stewart on me now

Me: too late

Cupcake: I hate you

Me: Aw, I hate me too

Cupcake: Now you see why we are together

Me: we both hate me ;)

Cupcake: no, we both love you


"What if they don't like me Cole?"

"Oh my god Hay Tay calm your tits they have known you since you were a baby" Cole said laughing.

"At least I have small tits unlike some people I know" I say emphasizing the 'some'

"Exsqrooze you! Are you saying that I, Cole Pendery has man boobs?"

I scoffed."Who said anything about them being man boobs"

"So your calling me a woman?"

"Kat called you one first" He made a sharp turn to the left completely missing the road to his house.

"What the hell are you doing Cole"

"If I'm a woman then I can't introduce you to my parents, what would the neighbors think?"

"Oh my god Cupcake calm your butt" Cole can be a pain in my freaking ass.

But I love him for it.

A/N: This is completely a filler. I'm just teasing with all of your hormones.
Apparently I'm scared of hail...Jordan you know what I mean.
I'm so glad I have some of you :)

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