Chapter 14

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I turned the locket over and over again in my hand. I knew Cole when I was younger.

All of this hunting stuff, him being in my dream, the confusion, everything seemed to come together. I had known Cole, but only he remembers. Panicking I did the first thing that came to mind. I ran. I had no idea where I was but I did not even care. I was just running, blood pumping through my arms.

After about an hour of doing this I finally got home. I pulled out my phone and saw that I had at least a dozen messages from Cole.

Cupcake: what's wrong

Cupcake: why did you run

Cupcake: where did you run to

Cupcake: where are you

Cupcake: Hailey I'm serious where are you

Cupcake: I need to know where you are at least

Cupcake: please Hailey answer. I'm going to call you

Cupcake: why didn't you pick up

Cupcake: why

Cupcake: that's all I wanna know

Cupcake: why. just. why

Cupcake: please Hay Tay

It went on and on. Just texts and voicemails from Cole asking where I was and why I had left. Exhausted from running for so long, I sat down. When I did though, something dug into my thigh. Reaching into my pocket, I took out the locket that I had found. It was me and Cole. Me and Cole. Me. And. Cole.

We both looked so small and happy. The same way Cole has made me feel for these last few hours. Happy. This all seems just ironic. I mean is it a coincidence that Cole and I are back together after all this time.

My thoughts about the locket and Cole were interrupted by a text message from an unknown number.

Unknown: Its Kat

Me: Hi Kat what's up

Kat: Oh nothing much, how is you and Cole ;)

Me: fine, I'm at home though

Kat: I thought you two were hanging out

Me: we were... Then I left

Kat: did something happen

Me: no but something could of

Kat: what

Me: what

Kat: okay Hailey answer me on question please?

Me: Yahoo sure

Kat: are you okay

Me: yes


No I'm not. I just cannot deal with this confusion. I just want answers. Is that too much to ask for? I keep saying that I do not need them when I actually do. There is only one person that I know who can give it to me, and that person is Cole.

(A/N: Okay so this one is pretty short but I wanted  to do a quick update to tell you all that I will continue this story. Now I will have a NEW FANFICTION called Letters To No One (Will Jay fanfiction). it will be up soon, I'm just going to have a few chapters before I post it. So keep your eyes peeled)

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