Chapter 22

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"Is that want you want Y/N? A little private show just for you baby?"

"Fuck yes! As long as I can touch."

Walking over to me, she looked amazing in her matching pants and bra, my little friend had awoken and she eyed it with lust.

"You can touch if your good today." She leant so close to me and I thought this was it. Her breath in my face, those plump lips begging to be kissed. "And we won't know that until later will we soooo....."

No! Don't go! Fucking hell she's gone and ran the bath! How does she expect me to keep my hands to myself if she's going to be like this all day?

Fuck it, I swung my legs round and tried to keep the pain inside instead of flying out of my mouth. It took a while but I was up, hobbled to the chair, step one complete. Few deep breaths, ignore the pain, the mind gives up before the body.... and now we're at the desk. Couple more steps Y/N, you got this! The pain was immense but it felt incredible to be upright and using the muscles even though they begged me to stop.

When I opened the bathroom door she turned quickly, I'd scared her and she looked frightened.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

Brilliant, I just want to impress her and stop her worrying but now I've made her cry again.

"You said I had to get in the bath, I can't do that from the bed Mila."

Turning the taps off she stood upright and folded her arms across her chest, here we go. It's scary but she sort of looks like her mother stood like that.

"Why can't you just let me help you? What's so wrong that you can't just let me look after you?"

"I don't need it baby, I'm capable so let me do what I can and I know your there to help if I get stuck. Your not my nurse Mila, your my girl remember."

I put my arms around her, she allowed the hug but didn't relax into me as normal.

"Maybe I wanna be your nurse, it hurts knowing you trust Lauren to look after you but not me." She mumbled into my shoulder and wouldn't look at me.

"Mila, will you please help me in the bath?"

"Don't humour me Y/N. I want you to need me not just pretend."

"Your the only one I need. I don't know what's gone on with you and Lauren while I was out cold, but your always the only one I want with me and last night was no different but I couldn't be selfish. You needed to talk to your parents and I didn't want you to see me crying and screaming baby, your my girl, I'm meant to be strong for you."

"I get your reasons for last night and to be honest if I were you after that, I wouldn't want to be around me either."

"Cams it wasn't-"

"In future. You are mine. Hurt, crying, upset, Jesus even if you've got the shits babe I want to be the first person you come too. I get to be strong for you too."

"Okay, okay baby. I get it. I promise, it'll be you. You'll be the first. Not too sure about the shits thing but if it's really important to you I'll work on it."

She let me hold her and I let her hold me. I wasn't humouring her, it was nice to have something to lean on and always the best feeling in the world to have that body pressed up against mine.

Once I'd got into the bath and over the shock of discomfort it was actually really nice. We laughed and joked, her hands softly trailing a wash cloth over my body. I did nothing, letting myself be completely vulnerable with her. It was what she wanted and to be honest, it was what I needed to fully let her in. All my walls were down because this was it. Me and her.

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