“Um. . .” She began to say, not knowing how to ask him outright.

“Chae, what is it?” He asked, urging her to speak up.

“I’m really sorry to bother you but I need to ask this favor from you.” She softly answered, feeling embarrassed of even asking Taehyung.

“Whatever that is, I’ll make sure to do what I can. Go ahead Chae, tell me.” Taehyung answered calmly.

“Are you sure? Aren’t you still at work at this time?” She asked, thinking twice about dragging Taehyung into her mess.

“Well, I am. But like I said, I’ll do what I can.”

She cleared her throat before speaking up nervously, “I’m at home right now but I shouldn’t be here. I’m supposed to be in a beach resort that would take about two hours travel time. So . . . uh, can you bring me there . . . right now?”

“Oh!” Taehyung said.

A bout of silence followed afterwards, making Chaeyoung wonder if Taehyung was hesitating to agree to her request.

“But if you’re busy . . .” She started to say to fill the silence before Taehyung interjected.

“I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” Taehyung said on the other end of the line before ending the call.

Chaeyoung was left speechless as she stared at her phone. She was surprised that Taehyung readily agreed without questioning her about her odd and sudden request.

And true to his word, Taehyung came fifteen minutes after.

When Taehyung came to Chaeyoung’s house, he was a bit alarmed after seeing the wide-opened gate and front door. He hurried inside and was shocked upon seeing Chaeyoung’s worrying form. She was slouching as she sat on the last step of the stairs with her head leaning on the balustrades. Her eyes were tightly closed while her arms were hanging weakly on her side and both of her legs were spread widely in front of her.

“Chaeyoung!” He called, crouching in front of her.

She slowly opened her eyes as she whispered, “Tae, you actually came.”

“Of course, I did. Now tell me what happened.” He quickly answered with concern thick in his voice.

“I fell down the stairs, took a wrong step and my right ankle hurts . . . so bad.” She cried.

“Oh no! Why? Were you in a hurry? Aist! Park Chaeyoung, you should have been more careful.” He scolded her while picking her up in his arms. “I’ll bring you to the nearest hospital.”

“Wait.” She grabbed Taehyung’s shirt as she frantically explained. “Tae, that’s not why I asked you to come, I wanted you to bring me to the beach resort that I told you about. You see, I really needed to get there as soon as I can. I cannot afford any more delays. So please, Tae. Drive me there, please?”

Taehyung was frowning as he listened to Chaeyoung’s begging.

“I’m bringing you there.”

She squealed in delight only for her happiness to be short-lived.

“But not before we get your foot treated.” He firmly stated.

“Taehyung . . .” She whined.

“I don’t know what’s happening and why it’s so important for you to reach that resort the soonest you can but I’m giving you no choice, missy. It’s either you follow what I say or you follow what I say.”

“Ugh! Like you said, you’re giving no choice but to follow you.” She grunted while glaring directly at his face.

“Now, open the door.” He asked as he stood in front of his car.

In Between Heartbreaks » TaeRoseKookWhere stories live. Discover now