Chapter 40: Twins

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Francisco's Pov

I was shaking... I was so nervous to meet my own nephew and niece, I don't even know how old they are! Are they twins like me and Fer were? What if I end up taking care of two babies?? Can I handle that? Yes, I have to do is. They is Fernando's kid and I can't leave them with a foster family, it would be wrong

I sit in the waiting room with Ariana typing on her phone "sweetie, are you going to plan a funeral?" She frowned. I sighed and held her hand

"Yes... I called when I was in the bathroom, the people will have everything done for us... He'll-" I sniffled "have a good one... To honor the man he was..." she nodded and placed her head on my shoulder

"How long?"

"Two weeks..." she looked up and made me look at her

"Hey" she cooed as her thumb whipped away my tear "don't think this is the end of you two... You haven't lost a blood relative, so you're not alone..." I nodded and held her hands "you'll have smaller versions of you and Fer! And whatever the mom looked like..." I thought to myself, why didn't Fer ever mentioned he had kids? They would he keep something like that a secret?

A nurse with a lab coat walked in "Mr.Monarki?" She called. I stood up

"Actually, that was my brother, I'm Francisco Lachowski" she nodded and looked at her clip board

"And who's this?" she looked at Ariana, she shyly waved at the nurse

"My girlfriend"

"Will you both take care of the twins?" so they are twins! I looked at Ariana

"No, not yet" I smiled at her. she looked at me confused

"I wanna help you take care of them" she frowned. I squeezed on her hand "It's okay, they're my responsibility first" she nodded. we looked back at the nurse "it'll be just me" she nodded

"So we'll have their last name changed to Lachowski then? will that be okay?" I nodded nervously. I never imagined myself adopting twins that belonged to my older brother...
The nurse nodded "okay, please fill out some paper work for the official adoption and I'll take you to see them" she smiled. I nodded and followed her to a office

Once I finished. I shakily handed the pen back to the nurse. she raised her brow "Are you alright sir?" I nodded

"He's just shaken up that he just lost his brother a few hours ago..." Ariana said for me while holding my hand. I smiled at her. the nurse stood

"I'm sorry for your lost" she frowned "please follow me to meet Fernando and Emily" I nodded and followed her to a play room full of kids... which ones are my niece and nephew?

"Fernando and Emily?" the nurse called. two heads popped up and scurried over to us. they were so adorable...

Emily had light brown hair in a neat bun with a pink dress. Fernando had hair just like mine, wild and messy. he wore a blue shirt with a truck and stripes pj shorts. they were holding hands and looked at me

"Daddy!" they cheered and hugged me. I just stood there stunned...

"Actually kids" the nurse said "this is your uncle" the kids looked at me and stood back

"Uncle?" Emily asked. I nodded and squat to their height

"But you look a lot like our daddy" Fernando blinked. I chuckled

"We were twins... just like you two are" they both had me and Fers face when we were younger

"Twins?? really?" Emily gasped. I chuckled and hugged them. they didn't hesitate to hug me back

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⏰ Última atualização: Jan 06, 2015 ⏰

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