Chapter 33: Disney

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Louis's Pov

"Agh!!!" Mae shouted at nothing, I ran my hand in my hair, confused on why she was acting like this, on Nialls birthday. she was fine the other day

"What's wrong?" Niall asked, casually

"I'm hungry" she pouted. Liam picked up a blood bag and gave it to her. her eyes brightened, took it happily and sat next to me in our jet, going to Florida

"Didn't you just drink from me?" I chuckled

"Yes, but I guess I didn't take enough?" she gave me those eyes. I chuckled and looked at Liam

"Why do you have a blood bag? We already got our human blood yesterday"

"I just thought that we needed it" he shrugged. I looked at Mae putting on her headphones and closing her eyes, patting her hands on her knees

"I should've saw it coming.
I should've saw the signs
But I wanted to believe you
Trust you
You said you wouldn't lie" she sang one of Ariana's songs. I smiled at her voice and listened to her closely

"Now that it's over
I just wanna break your heart right back
Right back...
Want you to cry me a river
I just wanna break your heart right back, yeah
All this time I was blind
Running around telling everybody
My baby loves me" she sang like no one was around. once she was done with her song, we all clapped for her. she took off her headphones surprised

"I didn't realize... I'm sorry" she smiled shyly, looking down

"I'm glad you like my song" Ariana giggled

"I do, is it about someone?"

"No, I'm single" she looked the other way

"She's lying" I said. she turned red

"How you know?!" I laughed and wrapped my arm around Mae

"One- you admit it" she bit her lips "two- you're my sister, I know everything about you all" I looked at my siblings, scowling at me. I smirked

"That's not fair" Harry said. I shrugged

"It's my job as a big brother" they rolled their eyes

"So Ariana" Mae called "is it Francisco?" Ariana turned into a tomato "awe!"

"Hush you" she pouted. Mae giggled and looked at me, playing with my red vest

"Are we almost there?" she asked. I nodded

"Yes, just a few minutes" she nodded, held my hand and rested on my shoulder, already asleep. I frowned and rubbed her hand with my thumb... what's wrong Mae..?

Niall patted my back "she's okay, just let her rest"

"But vampires don't get tired like she is" I frowned

"You seem to forget that she's not like us" Liam said

"But she was fine just before she found Zayn" I looked at Zayn "please tell me you didn't do anything to hurt her"

"She's fine, Louis. she's healthy"

"I don't see anything healthy about my mate sleeping and eating more then usual"

"Louis" Ariana called "please, it's Nialls birthday. if Mae needs help, she would've asked for it" I nodded and looked at Niall

"Sorry man" he nodded

"Don't blame you for worrying, but she's fine... remember? I'm a doctor" I sighed and looked at Mae, placing her on my lap so she can be more comfortable

One Direction's Pet (discontinued) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora