We all go down together

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Talon had finally got their attention,he taken out at least 3 assassins so far,but he knew that his Great-Grandfather was behind him and catching up quickly.Talon,swung from buliding to buliding running away from him.Talon quickly turned around and threw daggers at him,Willam took out his sword and blocked them.

"You can run but you can't hide"William shouted

Talon stopped then turned around taking his sword out and clashing with William and then he started to get pushed back by him Talon looked at William then behind himself to see the ledge of the buliding.

Talon quickly pushed William back with his sword and threw a smoke bomb at the ground,fell backwards the off the buliding
William came out from smoke and looked around for him,he looked to his right to see Talon swinging from buliding to buliding.

"Why you little-"Willam took out three daggers and threw them at the wire of the grappling hook.

It happened so fast,the wire snapped and all the sudden he was falling is this what it was like for his parents,he braced for impact but it didn't come and saw himself in M'gann's arms.

"You guys actually came"

"Of course we did"M'gann smiled at him
landed in a park to see the team catching up to them."we're sorry we accused you of this"

"It's fine,I took care of some of the assassins on the way down but there's one more left"

"And who might that be?"Artemis said

"Me"Willam lands on the ground a few feet from them.

Everyone eyes landed on William Cobb.Talon turned around and pulled put his sword once more until he heard a motorcycle coming from behind them,"Wait a minute,where's Aqualad and Red Arrow?"

Talon thought to himself,but all his thoughts where interrupted when he heard a familiar voice scream at him.


Daggers came straight towards him and not thinking he put up his arm to his face to block them,the daggers embedding into his arms,Talon winced in pain and all the sudden he saw everyone move out of the way and he did the same.

Aqualad and Red Arrow flipped off at the same time letting the motorcycle hit Willam,both of them landing on the ground.

"Now that's gotta hurt"Kid Flash said,Talon finally pulled out the last of the daggers and replied to his statement.

"You'd be suprised at what happens next"

William slowly got up popping his shoulder back into place and looked up at the teenage group of heroes.Artemis and Red arrow took out their bows and arrows,while everything else took out their weapon or got into a fighting stance ready to attack.

"Now now children,do you think this fight us fair,I believe only one should challenge me,one will live and one will die"

"I remember you saying you could take on both Batman and Flash what's your problem now, old man are you going senile already?"Kid Flash snapped at him earning a shocked look from Talon.

Willam stood there in slience for a moment.

"Well say something?!"Kid Flash continued and then it happened so quickly Kid Flash was kicked in the face by William making him fall back,while his claws glowed green.

"Superboy stay back on this one,he's laced with kryptonite on his claws."Kaldur said forming blades of water.Superboy tried to protest but backed up away from them.

Talon immediately took out his blades and swung them towards William,dodging them he quickly pulls out his and clashes with him then an arrow come between them and they both separate,looking at where it came from.

Red Arrow lowers his bow and glares at Willam,distracted William implaels Talon with his sword,takes it out and runs towards Red arrow.

Red arrow quickly resumes shooting arrows at William,William blocks them with his sword then quickly stabs his shoulder,Roy yells out in pain,he quickly goes to punch him with his other arm but William grabs his arm and breaks it.

Aqualad quickly swings his blades of water at William,he moves back dodging the blades then pulls out three dagger at Aqualad's feet and smoke comes from them. Aqualad coughs and looks around through the smoke but a foot hits in him the stomach.

Artemis shoots an arrow towards William 2 embedding themselves into William's shoulder the other barely missing his neck he pulls the arrows out with ease.

"You missed"

"I never miss"

M'gann levitates the tree to her left and throws it at William,he moves to the side and throws a flash grenade at the both of them,Artemis and M'gann stumble back.
William looks over to see Kid Flash and Talon gone.

Talon and KidFlash jump out from the same tree,William blocks Talon coming down with his sword but Kid Flash kicks him in the face.

"It's over Cobb, give up now while you still have the chance"Talon said

"I'll never give up"William throws daggers at Kid Flash and Talon.

Kid Flash and Talon move out of the way,Talon quickly pulls out his sword and runs at William while Kid Flash dashes at them.William ducks and trips Kid Flash,Talon sees Kid Flash trip and tries move out of the way but the blade his sword slashes his chest and Kid Flash falls.William grabs his great grandson and throws him over himself,Talon lands with a thud.

"Don't you see now children,your all just weapons pointed at the enemy so they can claim victory,but now you have all failed just as expected from a couple of kids."

"You're wrong,we may just be kids but we fight for the good of people"Kid flash says putting his hand on his wound to stop the bleeding.

"I always hated speeders, your death will be as quick as possible" William looks over at Kid Flash and goes to pick up his sword but is put in a headlock and a sword to his neck and with a slice William falls to the floor.

Talon drops the sword in his hand
breathing heavily he looks at Kid Flash then
everyone else and then all the sudden everything was black and the last thing he heard was the call of his name.


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