Chapter 27

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The next day was hectic, bodies moved in every which direction and you were caught up with worrying about his safety. Immediately after getting off the phone with Yoongi, you called Hye Soo from the number she left you. You didn't know why she did it, considering she wouldn't spare a second glance at someone like you, but nonetheless, you were grateful for it. Well, gratitude was soon replaced by confusion when she picked up and said that Namjoon was doing alright and that he doesn't want to be associated with someone like you ever again. Living in the same house with you already tarnished his reputations enough and he'll be spending a long time trying to erase that from his brain.

It caught you off guard, to say the least. And of course you didn't believe her. Though you two didn't spend that much time together, the minutes that you did solidified the kind of person he is, kind, lively, perfect. He wouldn't say these things about you, even if he was upset with what you've done. Taehyung suggested calling Seokjin and Yoongi, while bitter, agreed that it was the best course of action. Your fingers cramped up as you watch Taehyung on the phone, frowning every now and then and a defeated sigh at the end. "We have to go to the city," he declared.

"What did Seokjin say?" you asked.

"He was supposed to meet with Namjoon this morning for tea but Namjoon didn't answer his phone and Hye Soo wouldn't pick up her phone. He's worried something might have happened already."

Your heart sank. A million things ran through your head, like how they might have finished the job of getting rid of him. Or maybe what Hye Soo said was true and that he was distancing himself from everyone here to forget what had happened. You shook your head, no, no, there's another reason for this, a much sinister one. While Taehyung remained on the line with Seokjin, Yoongi did a little digging with the police database, searching for if any crime or death had been reported on the famous author. There was nothing left for you to do, except look out the window and hope that you'll see him again in one piece.

"We can't just sit here and wait," you said after some time. "We have to go look for him."

"Where would we even begin?" Yoongi questioned. "I don't think they'll keep him at his house where they know we would go to first."

"They wouldn't keep him at their house either," Taehyung added. "That's too much of a liability."

"Fuck," you whispered. "He still has to get a regular check up for his injuries. Taehyung, can you check which hospital that is? Maybe we can get a clue."

"Good idea, I'll start calling around. Though I don't know if they'll be cooperative, his parents do have a lot of influences."

"It's not even right to call them his parents," Yoongi scoffed, "They're worse than the dirt I walk on every morning. If I get my hands on them, they'll pay."

Yoongi, despite the cold exterior, was never a violent person. He only acts cold to prevent people from taking advantage of his shy and kind nature. Taehyung was the first person, besides you, to crack him. To see and hear him like this gave you chills, it's a cruel world out there and you were naive to everything. Both you and Yoongi paced around while Taehyung contacted his colleagues from college in the city. Every call ended with a sigh and disappointing head shake. With every call, your spirit drained. No hospital would give out private information that could cost them a donor, the world runs by greed.

Suddenly, your phone vibrated on the table, making you jump. Your eyebrows furrowed at the number. "I thought I blocked you already," you mumbled. "I'm busy right now Jimin. I don't want to hear any more of your bullshit-"

"You're looking for him, right?"

The room grew silent as you pressed the phone closer to your ear. "What did you just say?"

"Kim Namjoon, you're looking for him right?"

"How do you know?"

Jimin laughed a little, "Y/N, I have a medical degree and I work at the main hospital X in the city. I overheard a conversation with the head doctor that someone from your town is looking for him. And whatever they told you, they lied."

"What do you mean?" By this time, Taehyung had already given up on the idea of calling anyone else and both him and Yoongi gathered around you.

"He's here at X, he's unconscious and no doctor is allowed except the one his parents approved of. There are also bodyguards outside the door, no one knows what happened to him or what will happen."

Your throat ran dry as fear numbed the rest of your body. "Why should I believe you? You have done nothing but brought trouble into my life."

Jimin bit his lips and ran his hand through his hair. He thought back to the college days when that was his famous move to make girls go crazy, all except you, you called him out for it instead. He regretted losing you every second of every day, but he knew his time was up and someone else could make you much happier. "Look, I know I am the last person you want to hear from and I really am sorry for all that I've done. Think of this as me making the first move to apologize to you. I don't know much about this Namjoon guy but I know that he really likes you and you deserve happiness Y/N."

"Okay," you sighed. "If you're lying to me, I'll have Yoongi lock you up forever."

"Thank you, Y/N."

"I need to get him out of there. How do I break a patient out?"

Jimin laughed once more, this time, more whole-heartedly. "Oh, Y/N, I wish I had stuck around to see how you've grown as a woman. I knew you were capable of so much more than just studying," he shook his head. "But anyway, I have a plan." 

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