Three: A New Reality

Start from the beginning

Charlotte sighed, turning away from them without an explanation. She gripped her backpack with an unnecessary tightness and began towards her knew, elevated seat. Averting her eyes from James Alexander's glare, she made her way to the prefect table, climbing upon the dais and taking her seat.

It took a few moments, but soon the entire room fell silent. Everybody was staring at her. She could feel her face flushing. She knew they were scrutinising her. Whispering started, moving across the hall in waves as they gossiped about her appointment. Some people sniggered and laughed. Charlotte slid down in her chair, pushing around the food on her plate.

"Why didn't he just kill me yesterday and get this over with?" she groaned aloud. James glanced at her and sighed as if her presence was a terrible curse he had to bear.

She rolled her eyes. This is going to be a long year, she thought.

The other students returned their attention to their breakfast, forgetting about James and Charlotte. Ian and Iseult however, were far more interested in her than the food. Ian seemed to be crying he was laughing so hard, banging his fist on the table. Iseult was gazing at her, trying to assess the entire situation. Charlotte was glad for Ian's reaction. At least he saw how absurd it all was.

"Why is O'Connell crying?" James asked in an irritated tone.

As he spoke Elmhirst strode into the hall and as one the students stood to their feet.

"Because he knows that this will be the death of me," she hissed, standing with the rest.

Elmhirst moved to the centre of the staff dais. He was wearing a tweed grey jacket and black slacks, with gleaming black shoes. His glasses balanced at the end of his long nose.

"Sit," he ordered and as one the student body sat. He regarded them for a moment before speaking in a stony voice.

"Today marks the start of our new term," he said. "Today we begin anew, striving to be better and stronger than we have ever been before. Our new students have arrived and have been taken to the hospital. They are embarking on the same unique and arduous transformation that you too have completed".

"They will soon become disciplined soldiers, just like the ones I see before me. Their genetic alterations will make them greater, more resilient humans. Able to contribute to this world - and to alter it". Elmhirst paused, observing the crowd.

"They will follow in the footsteps of so many before them. They will walk in your shadows, knowing that they too can be as controlled and powerful as each soldier gathered before me. Their alterations will be unique. They will be rare. They will be the pride of this institution. You must guide them, teach them".

He scanned his audience for a moment as if challenging anybody to declare they would not help them. Charlotte knew what was needed of them. They would have to teach them to be obedient, to be docile to their masters, to listen and behave as Elmhirst wanted. They would have to learn to hide their emotions and their fears, to become hard and cruel.

"Our new recruits will look to you, but especially to our new Heads of House - Mr Alexander and Miss Owens, our strongest students," he said. His grey eyes met Charlotte's, and despite the distance that separated them, she could feel the cold hatred that met her gaze.

She was the strongest student? She had to be the strongest. She did not break eye contact; she would not appear weak. She was stronger than him, he just didn't know it yet.

"This year is a pivotal year as we seek further support from our patrons, but also we welcome knew faces among us. We are to welcome Monsieur Desmarais and his son Matthew Desmarais to our school. As you are all well aware Monsieur Desmarais is a frequent visitor to the Academy, but his time here is always brief. His son however, never having been to the island before, will be staying with us for this school year, to grow in understanding of the ground-breaking work we do here".

His tone was sharp, his words full of warning. It was an unspoken rule that Desmarais had to be impressed. He was the real boss, managing the school and its business from the real world. He was the only person Elmhirst was answerable to. He not only frightened Charlotte and the rest of the students, but he made the staff and Elmhirst uneasy too. If his son was to be here all year, Desmarais' eyes and ears within the school, things were to become a lot harder for Charlotte.

"Not only that but they arrived, unexpectedly, on the ship last night". His anger was unmistakable "They have requested to see the school stock today. Therefore all students must be assembled in the stadium at midday. Any student who is late will be taken Below".

Charlotte suppressed a shudder as she thought of the pitch black detention rooms in the New School where they went when they were taken Below.

"There will also be a viewing of training later in the evening so I would advise all students to be particularly... conscientious in their performance".

Charlotte sat motionless, her face void of all betraying emotions. She knew that brutal was what he meant to say. I would advise that all students are particularly brutal in their performance.

"Furthermore the opening exhibition has been moved forward by a week to accommodate Monsieur Desmarais' visit with us here," the resentment obvious in his voice. Desmarais was the only person who could interfere with their schedule.

Charlotte's stomach twisted at this announcement. It would mean entering the stadium to fight and as she refused to use her alteration she could never stand a chance. She would seem weak in front of Desmarais, which would no doubt result in a spell in detention. Charlotte wanted to look at Iseult or Ian, even at James, to check if she was the only person panicking, but she couldn't allow herself to waver in concentration.

"I will remind everybody that in three weeks we will also be staging our Captain's Exhibition for our patrons. As the prefects are announced they will be placed in their pairings for this competition. And as always our first pairing will be our head students". Charlotte had to force herself not to look away as Elmhirst fixed her with an almost triumphant smile.

He knew, she thought. He knew that they didn't get on - they couldn't get on. He knew they would fail and then he could have them both. He was looking for an excuse to rid himself of her for good. Maybe failure would guarantee that.

"You have a legacy to uphold. Any dissent from or disregard for appropriate conduct will be dealt with swiftly and harshly". Elmhirst turned and marched from the room, with as much abruptness as he had entered.

Charlotte felt weak at his words, her skin tingling with a strange electric anxiety.

"How on earth am I supposed to survive this?" she groaned as Elmhirst disappeared through the door. She felt James glance at her and she couldn't help but turn to meet his burning green eyes.

"You're not," he breathed.

And for a moment it sounded as if he almost pitied her.

Thanks again for reading! Please don't forget to vote and if you have a chance, leave a comment! I would love to hear what you think so far! Thanks, Sorcha x

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