Bow to Me

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Harry's screams were terrible.  They were heart wrenching.  Cedric stopped struggling against the vines, knowing it would only make things worse.  There had to be a way for him to free himself though, right? 

Cedric would've yelled at You-Know-Who to leave Harry alone, but he decided that staying unnoticed was better.  That way he could plan a way to get out. 

He watched in horror as the evil being finally brought their hand away from Harry's forehead, and turned around swiftly.  Harry fell forward, looking paler than a ghost.  His face was screwed up in pain and he didn't make another sound as You-Know-Who shoved him to the other side of the graveyard. 

"Now we duel, Potter," the creature hissed, motioning for Harry to pick up his wand. 

Harry weakly reached for his wand from his pocket, gripping onto it tightly.  Then You-Know-Who narrowed his eyes at the boy, shaking his head. 

"Bow to me, Potter," he instructed, slowly bowing down to Harry, although he kept it rather short. 

Cedric frowned as Harry stood still.  It looked as though the boy couldn't even comprehend what You-Know-Who had just told him.  This, obviously, angered the evil being.  He thrust his arm forward, extending his wand in Harry's direction. 

"I said bow to me, Potter!" he hissed forcefully, cackling as the boy winced.  With a quick flick of his wand, he had forced Harry to bow before him.  He released the boy after a few moments, returning him to his weak standing position. 

Cedric bit his lip as he looked down at Harry.  The boy's arm was still gushing blood, which ran freely down his side, and onto the dead grass.  That same arm also appeared to be bent the wrong way, and Harry seemed to be swaying on his feet.  He stood his ground however, staring at You-Know-Who with cold, shocking green eyes. 

Cedric thought about those eyes.  What everyone said about them.  Lily's eyes

A/N)) I do not own Harry Potter! 

Ummm...this chapter was okay...ish.  I don't really mind it that much I guess.  I can still do better, but oh well.  I really don't care at this point.  Let me know what y'all think and if you have any suggestions then feel free to let me know. 

Finish the lyric:
Champagne, cocaine, gasoline-

Stay salty,
- Angie

The Graveyard حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن