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Cedric's mouth remained in the shape of a perfect 'o' as he stared at the figure in front of Harry. It was You-Know-Who. He had been risen. He saw the entire thing. It was horrific. Being honest, Cedric knew he would never unsee what he had seen, and his mind would never be the same.

But Cedric knew that this would affect Harry much more than himself. Harry was only fourteen, and the man that had killed his parents was now standing in front of him. On top of that, he looked as though he'd pass out any second, and Cedric couldn't even imagine the pain he was feeling.

Cedric watched in horror as You-Know-Who cackled and made his way toward the young Gryffindor. The evil being bent down in front of Harry, grinning evilly. "Up, boy," he hissed, still grinning. "We must duel."

"Stay away from him!" Cedric yelled, finding his ability to speak again. He couldn't let Harry get hurt anymore than he already had been. 

You-Know-Who looked up, acknowledging Cedric's presence.  He laughed evilly, shaking his hairless head. "Oh, yes yes. And what will you do if I don't?" 

Cedric felt the vines around him tighten, making it harder for him to breathe.  He gasped quietly, having to work for every breath.  The vines around his neck tightened the most, nearly strangling him.  He needed to find a way out of there and he had to save Harry. 

A/N)) I do not own Harry Potter! 

I'm really trying with these descriptions but they're seriously not working out.  Sorry y'all, but I suck at writing.  Anyway, hope y'all liked this chapter and I'll see you Monday.

Finish the lyric:
If home is where the heart is-

Stay salty,
- Angie

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