Chapter 30: final

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"I met with your father while you were in Florida." He says as he takes the ring out of the box just before grabbing my hand.

I turn to look at the other people around me and Greg of all people is bawling. I want to laugh but I knew it would turn into an ugly cry and I wanted desperately to not ugly cry right now.

"Kai, are you serious right now?" I ask as I turn back to him, my eyes moving back and forth from the ring to his face.

"I almost lost you once and it just about ruined me. I can't lose you again." He says as I watch him slip the ring onto my hand. I see that he has tears of his own running down his face and it was like a green light for me to start gushing. "So what do you say? Will you stay with me forever?"

"I believe that I want to keep you." I say through several sniffs and everyone laughs while simultaneously "awing".

"So is that a "Yes"?" He asks raising a brow at me, letting out a high-pitched laugh that attempted to hide the fact that he was both desperate and full of anxiety.

"Well..." I say playfully and I thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head. "Oh yes, of coarse I want to marry you." Everyone shouts as he scoops me up into his arms and whirls me round and around.

Those standing closest to us quickly rush over, but a loud and familiar voice causes some of them to stop in their tracks.

"Now I am gonna need you all to just hold off for a moment. I will be the first person to congratulate the happy couple."

I laugh as Garren makes his way over to us, the people in his path slowly backing away to let him pass. He was dressed in the most casual clothing that I had ever seen him in, a white button up shirt and jeans. I don't think I would have recognized him out in public. He wraps his arms around me almost squeezing me in a bear hug that stretched on for many seconds.

"That's long enough." Kai mutters but it was loud enough for those closest to hear and pretty soon the entire room was laughing.

Garren rolls his eyes as he waves off Kai's statement. "I am proud of you girl, real proud. Originally this party was supposed to be about you and you only, but someone, and I won't say any names, had to turn this into something that included him also, so selfish." He said in a reprimanding tone making everyone laugh again and this time it was Kai who did the eye rolling. "So what do you say Miss Gabriel? Shall we get this party started?"

As if on cue, the lights in the room dimmed and the stage lit up. When the curtain opened, I could see a band on stage and to my delight, it was the same band from Garren's birthday celebration. I practically screamed as they started to play one of my favorite songs from that night.

"Come on, let's dance!" Kai said as he took ahold of my hand.

"I believe that I am allowed to have the first dance with the young lady." My father said suddenly."

Kai looked from me to my father and back to me. A slow grin lights his face. "Of coarse sir." He said with a slight bob of his head.

I take his arm and he leads me to the floor. "Some awesome friends you have. He says as we start to dance.

"They aren't a bad bunch." I say.

"He really cares for you. I was a bit, no, a lot skeptical of him when he showed up with Greg the other day. But I can see it in the way he looks at you. Even now he is watching you with so much emotion. I would look at your mother the same way. He is a lucky man."

I smile at my dad knowing that he truly means it. He spins me around into a dip making me laugh through the tears that are escaping my eyes. "I am so happy that you like him, he really is the greatest person." I glance over at Kai and we smile at each other. The look in his eyes sent shivers through out my body.

The song ended several minutes later and I see Kai out the corner of my eye approaching me in an almost urgent air about him. He takes my hand leading me toward the back of the room. We exit into a hallway different than the one we passed through to enter the dance hall. The door was barely closed behind us when he whipped around suddenly pulling me into him. He grabs my face, his lips finding mine without effort.

When we parted, he looked calmer, than before. I smiled up at him as he closed his eyes and sighed happily. "Feel better?" I ask with a slight giggle.

"You have no idea." He said laughing a little himself. "I couldn't very well do that in there, you have no idea how hard it was to me not to. You made me the happiest person ever today."

"You sound like you weren't sure if I would say yes."

"I didn't. You had gone through a lot over me. Greg kinda told me everything while we were on the way to meet your father." He kisses me again.

I reach up to touch his face. It still amazes me a little that I get to do this. "It wasn't fun, no, but I can't say it was entirely your fault. You can't help that you are so handsome and awesome."

He reaches up to take my hand in his and he kisses my fingers. "I have been waiting to do this for so long, it still feels like a dream kind of."

"I was just thinking the same thing." I said as I leaned in to kiss him again.

We were interrupted moments later when someone came bursting through the doors out into the hallway and suddenly Kai was five feet away from me and I watched him wide eyed as he tried to act as if nothing had happened.

It was Janet who had also had jumped slightly not expecting to find us there. "Sorry you two! I was asked to find you because photographer wants to take some pictures before everyone gets too wild and crazy. I think he was referring to David."

"Oh, well alright." I bit puzzled. I hadn't remembered seeing him out there.

"He just arrived, but he is already a little turnt up." She revealed answering my unspoken question. I hold my hand out to Kai and he takes it happily. "Let's go, and whatever he asks just nod. Those people I work with no nothing."

He looks slightly puzzled, but he nods. "Whatever you say love."

Suddenly, There was KaiKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat