The Truth Unfolds

Start from the beginning

They spend the remainder of the week, coming up with a game plan for how Lyssah will tell her friends about Taehyung and Jeongguk. She is even more nervous than she was about meeting Hitman Bang. This could go wrong so easily and she doesn't want that to happen. She trusts her friends. She specifically chose these ladies because she knows she can trust them. But there's still that little bit of fear. 

The night before they are to leave, they double-check to make sure everyone has packed everything they need. This will be the first time Lyssah and her children have been on a plane. Plus the fact that they are flying first class. It's nerve-racking to say the least. Lyssah has problems falling asleep at first so Jeongguk and Taehyung softly sing to her until she relaxes enough to fall asleep curled up in their arms. 

They woke up early so they could make sure everyone had breakfast before leaving the house. Lyssah didn't eat much, mostly because of her nerves but also a touch of morning sickness as well. She assured a worried Taehyung that she would eat more later, she just didn't want to get sick on the plane. He let it go, knowing how nervous she must be since it would be her first time flying. 

 Alex, Taehyung, and Jeongguk make sure everyone's luggage is by the front door once Sejin texts to say he's on his way. Jeongguk makes sure everyone has a mask, even helping Audrey put hers on. Namjoon had insisted that they all have masks on just in case any ARMY found out about BTS being there and tried to snap pictures at the airport. He didn't want Lyssah or her children's identities revealed accidentally. Thirty minutes later, Sejin pulled up and came to help bring out everyone's luggage. Taehyung helped Lyssah into the van while Alex and Jeongguk helped Sejin and got the other two children into the van. The ride to the airport wasn't too long but it was quiet since everyone was still tired. When they arrived at the airport, they all pulled their masks over their faces before stepping out of the van. Staff members came and unloaded their luggage, taking in for them so all they had to do it meet the others and wait for their flight. Lyssah's eyes went wide when they walked into the first-class waiting room. It was way more than she had expected. Namjoon walked over and greeted them, making sure everyone was ready. They went to grab some coffee or tea in Taehyung and Audrey's case. They all sat around chatting while they waited to board their plane. Once they boarded, they found their seats. Jeongguk sat with Audrey, Alex and Vinyl sat together, and Taehyung sat with Lyssah. Everyone was wide awake so they spent the flight teaching Lyssah and her children Korean. They had been helping them for the past week and Namjoon was proud of how quickly Lyssah was picking it up. It would help him out when they talked to her friends. The flight went quickly and wasn't that bad. Lyssah was glad she had listened to Taehyung and Jeongguk about how easy flying was. That way she wasn't as nervous as she probably would have been. They landed and made it through the airport without any problems. All of them thankful that ARMY hadn't somehow found out about them being here. Sejin had rented out a house for them instead of getting hotel rooms since there were more of them and it wasn't for work. Unfortunately, because of traffic, it took a while longer to get to the rental house than it should have. But once they were finally there, everyone settled in fairly quickly. While everyone else unpacked, Lyssah and Jin discussed what to get for dinner. They knew no one had the energy to cook so they had agreed to order take out. They went through their phones together and decided on getting a variety. They ordered from a pizza place, McDonald's, and a Chinese restaurant nearby. They figured that way there were plenty of different choices for everyone. Sejin and a couple of staff members when and picked up the food and once they were back everyone sat in the dining room to eat. After dinner, the staff and Sejin left to give them some time to themselves. They stayed in a different part of the house which gave BTS, Lyssah, and her children the space and privacy they wanted. Although they were all tired from the trip and the long day in general, they didn't go to their rooms right away. They all decided they wanted to enjoy the indoor pool before calling it a night. Lyssah sat on the edge with her feet dangling in the water smiling as she watched Jimin try to teach Audrey how to swim. She wasn't making it easy on him seeing how she was clinging to him like a koala. But Jimin wasn't letting that stop him. He still laughed and had a good time playing with her and teaching her a few things to help her swim better. Lyssah was so busy watching Jimin and Audrey she didn't notice Jeongguk swimming her way until he popped out of the water between her feet. He smiled before placing one hand on each side of her and pushing himself up enough to steal a kiss. Lyssah kisses him back, giggling against his lips when she hears someone call out. "Show off." Which only made him do it again. Lyssah didn't have a muscle kink but she'd be lying if she said she didn't enjoy the way Jeongguk liked to show off his strength around her. They played in the pool for a while before finally heading up to their rooms for the night. Once Audrey was bathed and in bed, Lyssah went to the room she shared with Taehyung and Jeongguk to shower and get ready for bed. She climbed in bed between her lovers intending to just kiss them and go to sleep but she ended up in quite a heated make-out session with both of them. They stopped before it went too far, knowing they all needed rest for tomorrow. Like the previous night, Jeongguk and Taehyung softly sang to Lyssah until she fell asleep in their arms before both curling up to her and falling asleep. The next morning they did sleep in a little but were still up early enough o get to the restaurant before her friends so they could meet the lawyer and so BTS could hide in the back until Lyssah had told her friends about Taehyung and Jeongguk. It was a busy morning as everyone rushed around, grabbing their breakfasts, making phone calls to make sure their reservation was still good and that the restaurant would be closed to the public other than them, Lyssah making sure her friends were all going to make it, and then everyone getting dressed and into the vans to drive back into town.Thankfully, traffic wasn't as bad today as it had been yesterday and they made it to the restaurant with plenty of time to spare. Sejin, Namjoon, and Lyssah sat down with the lawyer while he went over the terms of the NDAs her friends would need to sign. Ten minutes before her friends were set to arrive, Lyssah kissed both Taehyung and Jeongguk before going out to sit at the table and wait for them. She texted back and forth with her lovers while she waited for her friends. It helped with her anxiety somewhat. When she heard the voices of her friends, Lyssah stopped texting and put her phone in her pocket. Kia was the first person she saw."Hey, girl," Kia said, hugging her.Lyssah hugged her back. "Hey." They both sit down, greeting everyone else as they come in and sit as well. Lyssah lets everyone chitchat and joke around together for a bit since it is the first time most of them are getting to meet each other in person. Plus, it gives her time to collect her thoughts and get ready to reveal the truth to them. Once everyone seems to have settled in and their attention is on her, Lyssah takes a deep breath and stand up."So, I know you guys are wondering why you're here. I apologize for being so mysterious about it but it was necessary." She says, turning to motion for the boys' lawyer to come out.He comes over, placing an NDA in front of each of Lyssah's friends before introducing himself. He goes over the terms of the NDA that the ladies all need to sign. He also explained that it was for their own safety and that of Lyssah's unborn children as well as the fathers. Her friends, though confused, nod and read over the documents placed in front of them while the lawyer reads them. Once he has finished, they all look at Lyssah. "Lyssah, what's going on? Are you in some kind of trouble?" Charity asks."No, I'm not in any trouble. Please, just sign it and I will explain everything. I promise." Lyssah says.Charity sighs and nods her head. They all sign the NDAs and hand them back to the lawyer. Once he walks away, they all look at Lyssah in anticipation. "Okay. Now that we have that out of the way. I haven't been completely truthful with you guys about everything." She starts."What do you mean?" Aloesin asks."The pregnancy, the night I got pregnant, who I was with, all of it. I lied to all of you. Especially you, Kia." Lyssah replies."What do you mean?" Kia asks."I....I wasn't with an old friend that I randomly ran into. I wasn't too drunk to remember who I was with that night. And....I know who fathered the twins." Lyssah explains.Her friends look at her with shock and confusion. Kia looked hurt and that upset Lyssah. She could feel her anxiety spiking. She chewed on her bottom lip and fidgeted with the bottom of her shirt, trying to calm herself down because she knew she still needed to get through the rest of this."I don't understand, Lys. You know you can tell us anything. Why would you lie to us?" Charity asked."Yeah, boo. You know we would never judge you." Peaches piped in.Lyssah tries her best to keep calm but the fact that she hurt her friends by lying and keeping this from them is weighing on her. Jeongguk looks over at her and he can tell she's on the verge of an anxiety attack."Shit." He mumbles, putting his mask back on and pulling his hood up.He doesn't hesitate and doesn't listen to his hyungs when they quietly call out to him. He makes his way over to Lyssah, his hood and mask covering well enough for no one to know who he is, especially since he keeps his back to her friends. He gently grabs Lyssah's arm and pulls her away from her friends before wrapping her in his arms and rubbing her back as he whispers soothing words in Korean to her. Her Friends continue to look on in confusion since they can't see his face and have no idea who he is. Once he has her attention focused on him and her breathing is starting to regulate, Jeongguk pulls back enough to look into her eyes, speaking softly so the others can't hear him."Noona, it's going to be okay. We're all right here with you. Nothing bad is going to happen." He reassures her."They're so hurt, Jeonggukkie," Lyssah replies sadly."But, baby, once you tell them the truth I bet they'll understand. I can tell that they all care deeply for you just from watching them from the back. They'll be okay and so will you." He says, leaning down to kiss her forehead through his mask.Lyssah nods her head and wipes her eyes."Why don't we tell them together? Yeah? Me, you, and the hyungs. Maybe it'll be easier that way." Jeongguk suggests." long as you're sure," Lyssah says softly.Jeongguk nods and looks to the back, pulling out his phone to text the group chat and let the others know the new plan. Namjoon thinks it's actually better than their original idea and agrees to it right away. So they all, including Sejin, make their way over to Lyssah, ignoring the gasps of her friends. They all quietly give her words of encouragement. Sejin even squeezes her shoulder and tells her everything will be fine. Jeongguk takes off his mask and pulls his hood down. He smiles at Lyssah who nods her head when he asks if she's ready. They turn to face her friends and make their way back over to them as a unit just like when she faced Hitman Bang, except this time she has all of BTS and Sejin at her back to support her and not just the two maknaes. She takes a deep breath when they stop by the table, all of her friends staring with wide eyes."So, umm....surprise...." She says with a nervous laugh."Uh...okay I think I can speak for everyone when I say. What the actual fuck is going on, Lyssah?" Peaches asked."Well, I did tell you I lied about who I was with the night I got pregnant. Again, I wasn't drunk. Didn't even have a drop of alcohol. And I....was with more than one person that night....I was with three actually." She explains, looking down."Okay but there are eight men behind you so who are the three you were with?" Charity asks.The maknae lines steps forward. Jeongguk to her left, Taehyung to her right, and Jimin behind her. All three give her shoulders a reassuring squeeze."The maknae line...." She says without lifting her head.Taehyung says something in Korean that the other ladies don't understand but it makes Lyssah lift her head and turn to him and reply with "I'm not.""Noona, you are." Jimin and Jeongguk both say. Lyssah huffs and whines. "I don't mean to.""We know." They all say.She turns back to look at her friends."Then who is the father of your twins?" Peaches asks.Jimin steps back this time. Lyssah holds out her hands. Jeongguk and Taehyung each take one, lacing their fingers with hers. "We both are." Taehyung replies.When the girls look even more confused, Lyssah explains further. "Jeongguk is the father of one and Taehyung is the father of the other. Apparently, it's an extremely rare occurrence but it did happen to me."Her friends just sit there in silence for a bit. Jeongguk, knowing how uneasy it's making Lyssah, turns to her and leans his forehead against her left temple. Taehyung does the same on her right. "You did it, baby," Jeongguk whispers, placing a soft kiss to her cheek."Relax and give them time to let it sink in," Taehyung adds, nuzzling her other cheek.Lyssah nods her head, turning her head to look at the rest of BTS. They all give her smiles and nod their heads. It's done. She told her friends. Now the ball is in their court so to speak. "Wow....okay then. That explains all the mysteriousness and secrecy." Helena says."And the need for us to sign those forms," Kia adds."Yeah....Sorry but Hitman Bang insisted you all sign them." Lyssah explains."No worries, Lys. I think we all understand why he did. I mean it's BTS so it's to be expected." Charity says."Noona, we should sit. You've been on your feet long enough and need to relax and eat." Namjoon pipes up.They all agree and join her friends at the two tables that have been pulled together for all of them. When the waiter comes back to take their orders, Namjoon stops Lyssah when she goes to order in English, raising his eyebrow at her."Really, Joon." She whines."You need the practice. I do the same to them with English." He says."Ugh. Fine." She huffs before turning to the waiter and placing her order in broken Korean, Jimin and Hoseok correcting her a couple of times. He still manages to understand her though. Once he leaves to get their food, the table goes quiet for a few moments. Alex is the one to break the silence by asking Imogen how she has been doing. After that everyone seems to relax and talk amongst themselves. Charity, being the eldest at the table, keeps a close eye on Lyssah. She's still worried about her but does relax some when she sees how Jeongguk and Taehyung treat her. Like how when he thought no one was paying attention Jeongguk leaned in and placed a soft kiss to her temple. Or when Taehyung brought their laced hands up to his mouth to place soft kisses to Lyssah's fingers. And the way both things made her visibly relax more. All of Charity's worries disappeared once their food arrived and she saw how both Jeongguk and Taehyung made sure her cup always had water in it, they made sure she ate plenty, and they took turns feeding her lettuce wraps. She wasn't just some fan they got pregnant and were forced to take care of. Charity could tell both of them actually cared about Lyssah. It was as everyone was getting ready to eat that something happened that showed her friends how comfortable Lyssah and BTS were around each other. Before eating Yoongi cleared his throat. When Lyssah looked up he grabbed a lettuce wrap, tilted his head to the side, stuck his tongue out at her, and then ate the lettuce wrap. This caused Lyssah and BTS to break out laughing."You are such a little shit, Yoongi." She said, which resulted in more laughing.After that everyone started eating. Her friends still hadn't realized how well BTS understood English so there were a couple of questions that would not normally have been asked in front of them. When Lyssah explained over group text what a couple of questions were about poor Jimin almost choked on his water. Lyssah just chuckled and continued to eat. It was only when the guys decided to talk to Lyssah's friends that the girls realized they knew English better than any of them thought. Once everyone seemed to relax, lunch went really well. Conversation flowed easily between everyone. And Lyssah felt better now that her friends knew the truth. She also noticed how Hoseok and Imogen seemed to hit it off. And if she wasn't mistaken, Hoseok was openly flirting with her youngest friend.

As they were all finishing their meal, Namjoon suggested that Lyssah's friends come back to the house they rented so she could spend more time with them. He knew she missed them and Sejin had okayed it as long as they were all careful. Everyone agreed and once dinner was paid for they all left the restaurant. Most of them had taken Ubers to get there but since there was plenty of room in the vans they just split them up between BTS's vehicles to get them all back to the house. 

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