Part 2 Dance

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Cavem had come up with the perfect plan to embarrass his stalker. And to get to know him as well, ha couldn't deny the fact that he was a attractive looking mech, and he didn't really seem like the stalker type. If he knew the Gardener he couldn't be a stalker, that bot only spoke to less than 3 bots and one of them was him. And that smile when he had spoken with the Gardener.

He had to stop thinking about this mech and focus on his performance.


Cavem peeked out from the side of the stage, seeing the big hall fill up with mechs and femmes. His armor flared slightly in excitement, he loved the thrill that dancing gave him along with the roaring crowd. He searched for the mech he had seen before.

Finding him seated in the far back, a few mechs and femmes had gatherd around him, he could see all the way from his current position that they where trying to get his com' number and making grabs for his attention.
He looked visably uncomfortable with the attention.

Cavem dove back in behinde the stage, lining up with his dance crew, getting ready to start. The lights in the hall went dark before a few lights shone onto the stage. Revealing Cavem and his crew.

The crowd roared.

Cavem took a step forward as he begun speaking, a small microphone transforming from the side of his helm.

"Femmes and mechs, tonight we have a special supprice, a one time occurance." He gave the crowd a soft smirk. "I will announce what this is later this evening. For now just relax and enjoy the company and good music. Enjoy." The microphone transformed back into the side of his helm

The crowd cheered as the music started playing. Starting off with:

Doja cat- Boss B*tch

Their dance was filled with energy in the various moves and dips. And after a variety of songs they where posetively steaming. Small beads of steam rolling down their fames. Their chests moving rapidly to cool their frames.

The dance crew got off the stage waving goodbye.

Cavems mic transforming back.

"I think its time you get to know what the suprice is am i right?!"

The crowd cheered egerly some whistling.

"Tonight, some bot in this room will have the amazing pleasure to stand on this stage, and dance beside me."

The crowd went wild, jumping and screaming to be picked.

"And the lucky winner is..." he scanned over the crowd to pick someone, like he hadn't already made up his mind. Pointing straight at Primus. All The spotlights in the hall pointed at him.

"You! Lucky mecha in the back, come join me on the stage!."

He could see all the way up there how the mech froze, shrinking beneath the spotlights, he almost felt bad for the mech.  Almost. The mech was pushed forward by other bots moving him towards the stage.
He stepped up on the platform moving towards Cavem.

Cavem must have forgotten how large this mech was, he seemed alot bigger up close than he had from far away. He knew he was big but wow. He was at least 2 helms larger than him.
He knows he isn't a large mech by any means, a bit larger than average but this mech... he was as large as an army build.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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