Chapter 13

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Ava's p.o.v.

     I woke up seeing that it was dark outside. I looked towards the front seats and saw my brother asleep. "Hey honey, you hungry for something?" my mom asked. Before I could answer, my stomach grumbled. "Guess that answers my question," she said in reply to my stomach.

    My mom then got off at the exit which led into Inglewood.  "Is it okay if we sit down," mom asked. "That's ok, we can sit down," I said while rubbing my eyes. She then pulled into Red Lobster, and parked right near the doors. While she was putting my handicap sign up, I start to shake my brother awake. "Hey, wake up cause we're going to eat some dinner," I stated. 

    We walked into the slightly packed restaurant, seeing the hostess stand there looking down at the seating chart. When she saw our shadows, she looked up at us. "Hello, welcome to Red Lobster. How many today?" she asked. "Actually, I have a reservation already under the name Renee," my mom said. The hostess took out three menus and took us to a table that was near the restrooms. "Your waiter will be right with you," she said while placing down our menus. I sat on the right side, while my mom sat on the left side with my brother. 

   My brother and I started to look at the menu while my mom was talking to someone on her phone. I didn't really pay much attention until I heard somebody say, "What would you to drink miss?" I looked up and saw my dad instead of waiter. "Dad, is that really you," I asked shocked and starting to cry. I got up and hugged him, it felt weird to hug him because I haven't seen him in person for  3 years. I would only see on face time.

"I thought you would still be gone until Christmas," I said crying into his collar. "And miss seeing my favorite little girl? Never," he said. I kept hugging him for 2 more minutes until my mom said, "Okay, you can't keep him all for yourself." I stopped hugging him and sat down in my seat as my mom and dad shared a kiss. After they were done kissing, my brother hugged my dad.

After Dinner~~~~~

     My mom and dad kept talking when we walked out of the restaurant. It turns out they are letting him work in the division office in Pittsburg. "So dad, how will your new job work," I asked wondering? "Well, they are letting me work in the boot camp and recruiting center because they feel I would be more fit for it," he said while driving us towards our house. My dad continued talking about his new assignment to my mom while I looked outside. After 30 more minutes, we arrived at our house.

    Our house didn't have a lot of furniture incase we had to all move for my dad's work. I decided to go to bed because I was exhausted from the day. So, I wished everyone goodnight and went up to my room. My room looked foreign to me a little since I haven't been in it for a while. Plopping myself onto the bed, I immediately fell asleep.


    I woke up to the sun shining in my face. "Mom must have opened the curtains," I said to myself. Raising myself out of bed, I realized my hair was a mess from sleep. I couldn't control my hair sadly. It's either knotted or somehow smooth and flat. Walking over to my dresser, I grabbed my hair brush and started combing through my hair. A few seconds later I heard a thud. I turned toward my door to see my brother rubbing his head from where he hit it on a hanging lantern.

   "Always got to make an entrance," I asked jokingly him. "No, your lantern outside your door decided to be rude and hit me," he said while joking back and looking towards the lantern with distrust. "Mom wanted me to let you know that she made food for you." I then put my hairbrush on the dresser and walked past him and intentionally ducked under the lantern. He chuckled to himself and walked behind me down the stairs.

  The smell of eggs and toast hit my nose as I walked into the kitchen. "Good Morning," I said skipping towards my seat at the counter. "Morning honey," dad said while kissing me on the head. My mom placed a plate in front of me and reminded me," Don't forget to take your pills as well." I looked towards my pills and decided to eat a little bit first before I took my pills considering they could upset my stomach if I had them without anything. 

  Breakfast had always been my favorite and least favorite meal of the day. Favorite because you can be given something new every morning. Least favorite because that's when I have to take all of my pills and it usually takes forever. We then talked about the move to Pittsburg and how it will be a change cause I have never lived somewhere where it snows and the temperature gets cold.

  "You have to understand Ava that it will be harder on your lungs and your breathing," my mom explained to me. "I understand. That means I have to continue doing my treatments more often," I said nodding to her. My treatments are every other night but now since we are moving to Pittsburgh I will have to do it every night before I go to bed.

 "I almost forgot to tell you but you and I are going to lunch with Ms. Abby today," my mom said. I suddenly froze and stopped in motion of eating my eggs. I was seeing Ms. Abby after a long time.


   Hello everyone!! I am back at writing this story! I do apologize for how long I have not updated this story. I have been managing school and work the best I have. My finals were finished at the beginning of this month. I also will be updating Ghost-spider today. I am writing the chapter for it and hope to have it out by tomorrow. 

  The next chapter for this book is very exciting considering Ava is seeing Ms. Abby for the first time in a long time. There is no set date that the next chapter will come out but I will try my best.

Stay Safe and have a wonderful day!!


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