Dawn of War

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The days became a blur and with the help of Lace, Mika, Marcie and Trix we came up with an area to fight. There is a meadow that would be perfect just outside back territory in no man's land where neither pack's nor soulless claimed it. It is perfect for war.

It sat just far enough away from the pack where everyone had time to get to safety and with tomorrow being the day I would face my brother it gave us enough time to finalize details before battle.

"Do you think we will win?" I ask Albot as I watch warriors from our pack run about. The shelters were stocked with necessities and Marcie was placed in charge of security for my pack. Allies were already waiting at the edge of the border by the meadow. We were as prepared as we could be in this situation.

"I know we will win. Both you and Gem hold powers that not many wolves posses as well as the fact our wolves know the drill. Everyone is being sent into the shelters as we speak. The pack will be safe." He reassures me, leading me away from the balcony and into our room, concern in his eyes as he embraces me in a tight hug.

"You need to sleep Crys. Tomorrow you'll need your strength." Albot whispers, pressing his lips to my temple as we reach our bed.

"I can't sleep. The future of the wolves rest on my shoulders-"

"Our shoulders Crystalline. We are both King and Queen. You won't ever do anything alone baby." He cuts me off, a smirk on his lips as Albot picks me up bridal style and sets me on the bed.

"Then tonight will you help me forget just for a moment?" I ask, reaching out to pull his body ontop of my own.

"For a moment then." Desire fills his eyes and for the night I pretend we are two wolves in our little home in Toronto. For a moment we are normal.

The noise of multiple wolves fill my ears as I groggily fond myself in a tent. My body slightly sore from last night but today I had to focus. Today I would face Lupus for the last time. The disease that was my brother in a world where only the Soulless obeyed him. Today he would die by my hands if I had a say in it.

"You're awake." Albot's voice reaches me as he walks towards me with a bag in his hand, my stomach growling at the scent of food. I thank my mate with a smile as he hands me the bag and sits beside me on the cot in the tent, a question in my eyes as I tear into the breakfast sandwich.

"I brought you here. It's our tent in the middle of our war camp. I guess I tired you out last night to the point you had a hard time waking up." He answers my unspoken question as his hands play with my messy hair. A lock is twirled around his finger as I take in his form. His many tattoos and long hair. The way his brow furrowed as he thinks for a moment.

"Marcie has everyone on lockdown now. Trix refuses to let her leave the shelter while carrying his pup. Alice and Blake are with her. I don't want them to get hurt even though Alice cried for you. But know that if we begin to lose this war I have asked him to take you to safety. You need to live no matter what Crystalline." He continues. I knew Albot was right but I couldn't just leave my pack and family to fight my battles. It all had to end today.

"Albot I don't plan to run so don't make me. You promised me we would grow old and have a bunch if pups remember." I start off, pressing myself against his side. Silence envelope us as more sounds and shouts come from outside. It seemed like we were getting closer to war.

"I never thanked you for saving me. You, Blake and Alice. No matter what those two are our pups, our family." He whispers out, his arm coming to hold me tighter. It's funny that after all these years we never really talked about what the two pups were to us. But we knew.

"Then we win and we give our pups little siblings to play with." I chuckle out. Time was slowly ticking by and before we knew it, it was time to dress and head out to the meadow. A witch had already enchanted the pack lines so that no rogue, soulless or wolf that were not our ally would be unable to cross our borders. Instead they would be forced here, to the meadow of death.

The multiple wolves from allied pack's slowly kneel as I exit the tent, their eyes on me with hope and resolution as the sun began to rise. It was almost time. I felt like I had to give a speech.

"Thank you all for coming here. For putting your trust in me. I know you all leave loved ones at home to join the fight and rid the evil and for that I will be grateful to you for eternity."I start off, seeing the line of witches that smile brightly at me from the tents where the scent of medicine and herbs come from. I was happy to know they were here to help.

"I hope to have everyone live through this since many of you I know have personally been trained by Geminie or Amberle but I know that's wistful thinking. But know that no matter what happens you will all be given the highest honor. So thank you." My eyes scan the crowd as I clutch my necklace and smile one last time. Narin comes and places a silver crown on my head before placing a matching gold one on Albot. It was time to lead them all to the meadow.

"Do you know why I saved you back then even though you were ready to kill me?" I asked Albot as we took the lead in our army?

"No, why?" He asks, his hand reaching for mine as our fingers lace together.

"Because Alice said your aura matched mine and that she saw a future with us." I chuckle out. My eyes flicker to his and I see a flicker flash through my head.

It was a quick image but it gave me hope. Hope from the picture of Albot holding a toddler with Alice and Blake running around a very pregnant me.

[Your Destiny is not over Crystalline] a voice flickers through my mind as moon flowers begin to bloom where I step. Destiny was calling to me this dawn befor the war.

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