Meeting the Royals

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Slowly the cars park infront of the doors to the palace. A heavy sigh escaping my lips.

Alexander stood firmly in front with warriors and pack member I knew all to well waiting to greet us. Narin at his side standing proudly.

"You want me to talk?" Albot asks, Blake and Alice reaching out to clutch my hands. They knew to stay quiet right now.

"For the beginning yes. I don't think Alexander expects me to willingly walk back into the palace and wont be expecting my voice. Hell the asshole beside him looks like he has a stick up his ass." I point out, looking at Narin through the darkly tinted windows and seeing him squirm.

"Your ex?" Alice asks with hate and I nod to the pup, squeezing her hand.

With one last sigh I close my eyes and straighten out. I was happy that Albot and Blake had the side that faces the royal pack, giving more safety to Alice and I since we would have to walk around.

[Links open everyone else out and in front of the hummer before Albot, Blake Alice and I exit. Ears and eyes open and be vigilant. We may have a truce as we help then but do not forget that the true motive is to remove Alexander off the throne.] I warn the warriors that had came with me. Their safety would be my priority and I refuse to let anyone be harmed by the royals. After two long years or training it was time to face them.

As per orders the twenty pack members orderly make their way to stand in front of the hummer, their goals to make sure that the four of us were protected.

Blake and Albot exit first and stand, waiting for Alice and I to come around. I could tell that Alexander was not happy with how orderly we were and how long we were taking. But I refused to take any risks right now.

"Ready?" Blake asks, pulling me to his side but slightly behind him, Alice clutching my hand and Blake standing just infront of her.

"Ready." I harden my gaze while my pack splits into two groups, leaving a path for the three of us to walk up. As we reach the others, the inpatient looks on their faces showed their irritation and I couldn't help but smirk.

I felt myself being pulled into a new link, Blake's energy rushing through.

[New bet with our pack. Everyone is betting against that you wont beat the shit out of the ignorat ass beside the Alpha. I'm guessing that's Narin?] I couldn't help but shoot my eyes to him, seeing mischief in his gaze as a low chuckle forms.

[Whats the bet?] I ask, interest peaked

[I say five minutes before he tries anything after realizing who you are and you beating the shit out of him, five others each bet fifty bucks saying ge will behave and there wont be a fight.] I nod then look at each of the royal pack in turn. Narin definitely knew something was up.

[He is still arogant. I say we will have two fifty by the time we make our introductions] I chuckle into the link, winking at him before a look of seriouseness settles over our group.

"Welcome to the royal pack, I am King Alexander." Alexander's voice booms over us, authority lacing his words as he tries to surpress us. But considering that I was the true Alpha Queen his words do not affect any of my wolves and I smirk.

A look of confusion crosses the other packs face and I couldn't help the chuckle the rises through my crowd.

"Anyways this is my beta, Narin Malkaric. We are sorry my daughter isn't here to join us but she fell ill." I felt the mate pull throb slightly at the mention of him but it wasn't as painful as it was in the past. It was slowly dulling to a small speck.

"I am Albot Everrette, The beta of the Astraea pack." Albot greets, a forced smile on his face. Albot was the diplomatic one between us and I always let him talk first. I was a hit first ask questions later kind of girl.

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