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Omega-verse Context:
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This is a world of alphas, betas and omegas. Alphas are by far the strongest when it comes to just about everything, they excel in all aspects and are considered high class regardless of their financial disposition. Betas are the most common they're known for being average, not very much more. Last but not least omegas they are quite average like betas but have something they don't , heat cycles, a long lustful period. Normally you can't tell which class people are from but some alphas are more  muscular and notably different as the omegas who are more frail and delicate.

Adrien's POV
I was coming home from fencing when I saw Natalie, she looked quite distressed as she showed me inside.

NA: "Adrien we need to talk,"

AD: "I don't understand did something happen?" I exhaled

NA: "Your father..... he...." she took a long pause before I could understand the words she was about to utter out,

AD: "what's wrong with him? Is he injured?"

NA: "He's passed Adrien..... I'm so sorry"

I couldn't understand anything from that point it's like the work became blurry, first my mother had left, know my father too?

AD: "How ??? Why! Why would he leave me alone! How could he!"

NA: "your father had quite a few debts he was overwhelmed with it all it, I know he wouldn't have wanted to jump if...." she immediately turned pale, as though she wished she could suck in her words at that point I also wished she would have not said anything....

AD: "He jumped!? He left me behind on purpose ?" Anger raged inside me, when deep down I knew I was only hurt.

AD: " Is that why mom left? Because of dads debts? What happens now ? Do I need to pay them off too?"

NA: "Actually that's something I was meaning to tell you... your father had decided the best way to get rid of your debts was to sell you, and unfortunately we can't do anything about it so you'll be living with him as of tomorrow..."

I fell to my knees, as though betrayal wasn't enough but now this?

Author here! Thanks for reading the first page make sure to keep on reading to find out what happens next!

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