Inviting The Virgin (34)

Start from the beginning

            “Okay so all I have to do it take a picture of you?” he questioned turning around and picking up the camera.

            “Just stay turned around for a second,” I told him hoping that he would listen. I felt like it would be easier to do this without him staring at me and watching every piece of clothing fall to the floor.

            “Why?” he asked about to peer over his shoulder.

            “I just need to fix myself,” I told him quickly and he seemed to comply.

            I let out a long sigh. My hands were shaky while they undid the zipper to my shorts, shaking them off while I kicked off my socks and shoes. I pulled Zack’s torn T-shirt over my head while he taking about how outdated this camera were and that he was unsure of how to use it. The bathing suit I had on underneath was strapless so all it took was a quick snap of the fingers to undue it. The bottoms came off just as easily. The cool breeze of being naked forced goose bumps up and down my arms, legs and everywhere else.

            Never have I been so exposed to someone I barely knew.

            “Ready for your picture or do you need to do your hair?” Zack snickered.

            “Ready,” my voice was shaky and uneven.

            Zack turned around his eyes widening while instantly his trigger finger snapped the photo not realizing what he was going to be seeing.

            “Oh my God,” he murmured his eye still starring.

            “W-w-what?” he stuttered—“Are you doing?” he chocked.

            “Did the picture turn out?” I asked crouching down and gathering my clothes off the floor.

            “Um,” he stammered unsure of how to react to this; his eyes still staring up and down.

            He turned around hunching over the teacher’s desk while I slowly but surely held his shirt across my chest covering the important bits. My whole face was flush and it even extended to my chest. Everything was warm with emotion but shivering with the chill.

            “This was the whole plan wasn’t it,” he spoke still turned around.

Inviting The Virgin (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now