07 : The × plain × Jane

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You have to jump,you really have to-if you want to meet your stupid uncle.

You must pass the hunter exam and follow Gon and his friends otherwise you won't know what to do here.

But you can die

You grit your teeth,you know-you absolutely know that there is a probability to die when you jump.

Gon tap your shoulder lightly.

"You can hold my hand"Gon said softly with a gentle smile.

You smiled back,you will trust him.

You will trust yourself too.


It was finally the time as you and the others jump.

You feel scared but anxious at the same time as you managed to take one of the egg.

But your hand slipped.

And Gon grabbed your hand,if he was late just one second you know for sure you will die.

"I won't let go"he said as he managed to pull you back.

"Thanks Gon"you said as you hugged the raven haired boy when you and the others are back to the place before.

His face reddened as he smiled "you're welcome!"he grinned softly.

You feel so thankful for him.


Anyone who passed the previous exam was now inside an...airplane?,baloon plane?,you didn't seem to care.

"Gon,(Y/N).Wanna explore the airplane?"asked Killua excitedly.

"Sure"said Gon "Let's go,(Y/N)"he said to you gently.

You were exhausted and part of you are still anxious from the brink of death experience.

Besides,you already know what will happen to Killua and Gon-you know you cannot beat Netero.

"I'll pass,sorry"you smiled bitterly,you need some rest.

Killua pouted "you're no fun,let's go Gon!"he said.

When he said that,you are already asleep from exhaustion.

"(Y/N),do you love me?"

You were on the living room when your grandma asked that.

You're 8 years old that day.

"Of course grandma"you beamed.

Your grandma was always a little weird but she loves to make you cookies and buy you toys.

"Then you have to follow me"she said as you did,thinking that she will give you cookie like usual.

Turns out she brings you to the third floor.

"Grandma,what are you-"

She pushed you so you fall.

You were awake,and still on the airplane.

Ruffling your hair in frustation,that flashback again.

Your grandma tries to kill you when you're eight years old,and you were saved because your father noticed the weird behaviour of your grandma and managed to save you.

You bit your lips,even when your parents save you they never care for you-more interested in their pile of works.

"Having a nightmare?"asked Kurapika as you nodded,seeing that Leorio is still asleep.

"Just a flashback when i was a child"you said as you frown.

"If you don't mind me asking,what are your parents like (Y/N)?"asked Kurapika.

Your face is emotionless "they're working everyday,probably didn't care about me"you said even though deep down you know they care.

You kinda missed your parents.

On another dimension (?),your parents were searching because you disappear.

Your mother cried when she sees the half eaten cake on the table,she forgot that it's your birthday.

Your dad has called the police.

They regret their attitude towards you.

That's when they see a paper beside the television.

"What did i say?,i will take her when she is 14 years old didn't i?"


Tag,You're It [HxH Various Male X Reader] (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now