10 : The × freak's × adventure

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"Congratulations for passing the exam"said the examiner.

His hair is similar to Gon but he is bald on the side?,you don't know how to explain it.

He also wears a big ass glasses.

"The fourth test is held on the Zevil island"he said as another examiner brings a box.

"We'll take a lottery"he said,and you remember this one.

"What for?"said one of the contestant.

"For the hunter and the hunted"


"There are 26 numbers on this box"said the examiner.

Huh,that's weird-doesn't one from the contestant is dead?,there should be 25 numbers.

"Isn't there 25?"you asked as you feel everyone's eyes on you but you didn't say anything about it.

"We add an examiner because the number doesn't add up"he smiled sweetly.

You gulp "i-isn't that unfair?"you said.

He smile again and truthfully his smile scare you "don't worry"he said again.

"Do you want to quit the exam instead?"he asked as you quickly shook your head.

"Very well,any objection?"he asked and no one say a thing.

"Okay,let's continue.You guys will take one for each people"he said.

You stare at your pin,your number is thirteen.

You just hope you won't get any of your friends pin.

Gon is 405,Leorio is 403,Kurapika is 404 and Killua is 99.

And,Hisoka is 44.

You're the first to take the number,because you're the first one that passed the previous exam.


The added one-one of the hunter,you thought as you hold your number tight.

He looks weak but you know he is actually strong,you can feel it.

You sighed,at least you can kill him.

But you can tell he is going to be annoying.

Besides,he also pretend to be weak-the same like you.


After every contestant have take the number,the examiner begin to explain more of the cards.

"Your target's pin number has 3 poins"he said.

"And your own pin number also has 3 poins"he muttered.

"The other pin number is 1 poin"he said.

"The number needed to pass this exam is 6 poins"he said.


You sit beside Gon,and you know Killua is going to come soon.

"You look pale Gon"you said,and you know why.


The silver haired boy appear.

"Yo"he said as he sit beside you as you nodded while Gon didn't say anything.

"What number did you guys get?"asked Killua.

"How about Killua?"asked Gon.

"Yeah"you added,not knowing what to say.

"It's a secret"he said and their face become comical as you laugh along with them,their face is priceless.

"Don't worry"he said.

"My target is neither of you guys"said Killua.

"Same here"Gon said softly.P

You nodded.

"Wanna show each other's target?"


You three show each one of your target.

"Really?"Killua said when he sees Gon's target-Hisoka.

"You're so unlucky"Killua said and Gon nodded.

"Who are your target,Killua?"said Gon.

"I don't know"he said.

"Do you know,(Y/N)?"he asked you.

You frown mentally,if you tell him you will mess up the plot even more and you already mess things up.

"No"you decided to lie.

He nod,he seems to buy it.

"Your target seems weak"said Killua.

"Not really..."you said,your target is similar to you.


"I'll go"said Killua.

"Don't die"Killua said to you and Gon as you smiled and Gon give Killua a thumbs up.

You hugged the raven haired boy.

"(Y-(Y/N)?"his face is a bit red.

"You can do it,i trust you"you smiled.

His face reddened "Thank you"he said.

"Good luck"you pat his head as you leave him.

Gon is steaming from his ears and his face is red.

Poor him.

Tag,You're It [HxH Various Male X Reader] (Rewritten)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat