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Ashley's POV

It was Sunday . I had like 3 more days till I had to go back to school and like 2 more weeks till my parents came home. I decided to put on some sweatpants and a sports bra. I probley should go get sunshine but before I left I grabbed my car keys and sun glasses.

I know I didn't but on a shirt but I really don't care I'm going to pick up my doggy so deal with it. I grabbed sunshine and paid the people and left.

"hey bae how was the sleepover" I said to sunshine. I then went to drive home and got a text from Amani but I didn't answer because #x. I'm so smart.

I then got home and read the message 'hey I was thinking if you wanted to do something like laser tag and go to the mall' I then replied and said 'yeah but let me get nash jack jack Sam and Hayes'

Ughhhh I'm so tired. I rest my head on sunshine and scratch her back. I then put on a 5 seconds of summer muscle tee and I put food and water out for sunshine "bye bae" I say to sunshine and leave.

I'm going to laser tag with Amani jack J nash Hayes and Sam. The teams are...

red team -Amani Hayes and jack j
Blue team- me ash Nash and Sam

'This is gonna be really fun' I thought.

Ashley's POV
I picked all of them up and I handed my keys to Amani cause I didn't wanna drive. there were no more seats so I sat on jack Gs lap and put my legs on jack J's.

We came to the laser tag place but I didn't feel like walking so I jumped on Nash's back.

"hey babe I can't wait till me and you are in the dark together" he said with a wink.

"Me too so I can kick you in your vagina" I said while whispering in his ear.

"Can't wait" he said while running with me on his back.

He then dropped me and I feel on my ass. "Jacky can you pick me up" I whined.

"Fine get on" he said as I jumped on. but he moved out of the way so I feel on me elbows.

"You all are mean" "Sammy please can you pick me up" I said with a wide smile.

"Yeah get on" he said as I jumped on.

"Thank you Samuel for being a gentle men" I said as Sammy carried me to the door. I then gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran inside.

We walked over so the guys could give us instructions. After we grabbed the guns and vests and put them on.

I was on a team with Sam Nash and jack. "Lets do this" I yelled. It was dark so I could see BARLEY. so when some one came and kissed me on the lips I didn't know who it was so I suspected it to be Nash so I let it go.

After game

Amani's team won by like two points. So to celebrate we all went shopping after but that was a big mistake.

Heyyy guys who do u think kissed ash and total cliff hanger there and I just added a random video of Shawn singing so yeah stay beautiful💅💅👑👑 and star and all that stuff


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