The Long Walk Home

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We began to walk the long way back to the tower in the dark. That was doable, but then it started to rain. The raindrops landed on us and we started to run until we were under the shelter of a nearby tree so I could get my phone and call for one of the Avengers to pick us up. 

As we waited we realised the tree's shelter was not working. Bruce pulled off his blazer, pulled me close to his side and held it above us. It worked for a while, but then the rain started to come down heavier completely soaking Bruce and myself. Realising the blazer was not working, he wrapped it around my shoulders to keep me warm. Eventually the car came and we jumped in gratefully. On the ride home we laughed about how wet we both were from the rain and how I should have stolen one of Tony's umbrellas. An hour later we arrived back at the tower and had started to dry off.

"I am going to change, you should too or you'll get a cold and I need help tomorrow." He said before we stepped into the elevator. He got to his floor and stepped out of the elevator, "Thank you for tonight, it was surprisingly fun." Before I could say anything the doors closed and I had time to myself to think over the events that had happened. Then I remembered about the plan. The doors opened and I ran to my room, peeled off the wet dress I was wearing and grabbed whatever I could find and putting it on before running back to the elevator on the way to the lab. 

When I got down there Tony was waiting for me at the door, "You looked like you had fun with my science bro." He said, 

"I did actually. Now, are we going to do this before dawn or not?" I asked. The installation ran smoothly and we finished in no time giving Tony time to return to his party. "Aren't you coming then?" He asked, 

"I think I might just go back to my room, I might come down for a drink when it's all over if I am not already asleep." And with that I journeyed back to my room. 

As soon as I got back into my room I jumped into the shower and felt much better from it. I put on my monogrammed robe that I got for my birthday many years ago and laid down on the bed. I must of started to drift off into a peaceful slumber when I was startled by a knock at my door.

I walked over and opened it finding Tony on the other side. "Ah good you're not asleep, come down for a drink with the rest of us?" He asked, 

"Let me get changed and I will be down in 5." I said before closing the door. 

I eventually got downstairs and saw all the Avengers sitting in the living room, even Bruce. I squeezed down in the middle of the sofa and said "Alright then what have you been doing without me?" 

I don't really remember a lot of that night as we had a lot to drink, I do remember some bits about the evening. Tony decided to have a dance competition which I beat him at easily, I remember Bruce clapping along from the sidelines smiling with a huge grin on his face, and Natasha was happily keeping the drinks flowing. 

That next morning was horrible. I waddled down into the lab and sat down with a groan. "Hungover too?" I asked Bruce,

"Yeah. It really was not smart to with the work we have to do today." He said, passing me the file. 

I scanned over it. "Bruce, this is going to take days to complete, there is no way anyone can complete this by tomorrow!" He nodded and sighed. "How about we make breakfast, try to shake this hangover off and then come back to it?" I asked, 

"Sounds like the best plan yet." He said.

We managed to make fried eggs, scrambled eggs, toast, pancakes and sausages without the fire alarm going off which was good for everyone. We sat in the kitchen eating the breakfast in silence before Bruce turned to me and said, "You know I feel bad that I did not thank you last night." 

"For what?" I asked before stuffing some egg in my mouth. 

"For removing that button and installing that sensor. I know it was you because I haven't told anyone else how I feel about it, and no one else would be smart enough to come up with an idea like that. So, thank you Erin, you don't know how much that meant to me." He then walked over to me and kissed my cheek. 

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