The Meeting

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My name is Erin Young. I had just graduated with my 6th PhD and was now looking for work. The day in question that I want to talk about was just another average day of job searching - looking through the paper and emailing different labs. This was until my phone displayed an unknown number trying to call me. I hoped that it was one of the jobs I had applied for. I answered the phone and was greeted by the voice of Tony Stark, otherwise known as Iron Man. 

"Ah Miss (Y/L/N), this is Tony Stark calling - I'm sure you have heard of me - anyway, we're looking for a scientist to help out, to take over my role as I am having to head out on business. Can you come down to the Avengers Tower later today for an interview?" 

"Oh of course. I'll be there. See you soon." I replied before the number hung up on me. 

I went to my closet and put on my nicest pantsuit. It was grey, with a black stripe up the trouser leg and black detailing on the blazer. I grabbed a black bag, put my phone, keys and wallet in it and headed off to the Avengers tower. 

When I walked in I was amazed. The architecture was beautiful, but would you expect anything other than spectacular from Tony Stark?

I walked further into the lobby and was greeted by Tony himself. He showed me around the building and finally into the lab. I did not see anyone else on this initial tour, I gathered they were probably on a mission or something important like that. 

The lab that I was shown round was huge. It had computers, a large workstation with gas taps and plug sockets that could be moved with the flick of a switch, and endless amounts of equipment - anything that I could possibly need. I was in absolute awe when I heard Tony say, "Well, this is all yours if you want it. So do you?" 

"Of course - this is amazing. However, what is it that I am needed for?" I asked, 

"Well I can't tell you anything until you sign the dotted line madam but just know that you'll be looked after - you'll even have your own room here in the tower at no charge - just make sure you get the work done." That sealed it for me. I signed on the dotted line and work began instantly. 

My first assignment was given to me and I got started straight away. Time ticked past but I did not realise how late it was until I heard the door open from behind me and a yawning Tony demanded I go to bed.

The next day I got a proper introduction. I already knew Tony so he introduced me to Steve, Natasha, Wanda, Thor, Bucky, Clint, Sam and finally the man who would eventually become my lab partner, Bruce. Him and I got on straight away, we talked about different theorems and problems for most of the day until Tony ushered us into the lab so he could help me finish up my project. 

We finished it by the time the sun rose. 

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