Putting a Plan in Motion

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By the morning I had come up with several plans and corresponding design ideas which I had plastered over the walls of the lab. I had lost track of time several hours prior so did not expect it when I heard a knock at the door. It took a minute to register what was happening and the fact the posters were around the room. "Do not come it!" I yelled, as I ran around tearing down the posters from their place. Only for Tony to walk in. 

"Oh, I thought you were someone else." I said out of breath and defeated as I sat on one of the bar stools around the central table. 

"What you got going on there?" He asked pointing at the posters. I explained everything to him and how I thought it would be nice to install it without his knowledge and while installing the sensor - we take out the button which made him so self-conscious and aware. 

Tony agreed with what I was saying and we set about making a plan. The plan was that next Thursday Tony would host a party and force all of the Avengers to come, as well as some of his co-workers and associates. This would give us ample time to slip out of the party undetected and set about installing and uninstalling the sensor/button. It was to be a foolproof plan in our eyes. 

Whenever Bruce was not in the lab, I was working on the sensor. I kept the work hid in one of my drawers so he could not see it lying about. It was all thought out. When Bruce was in the lab, we worked on whatever crazy Avengers level science project that was assigned to us. We continued to work well. There was no tension, no awkwardness, it was just like usual. 

That next Thursday the plan was about to be put in motion. The invites had gone out on Monday so everyone knew. The party was about to start, I had a black jumpsuit with red lace panels on it - practical and yet elegant. My makeup was understated - enough to cover up the bags under my eyes from working overtime on the project for Bruce. 

I walked out of my room and down into the living room which was bursting with people - some I did not know, and obviously the rest of my Avengers teammates. I spotted Tony and was about to walk over to him when Natasha called me over from behind the bar. 

"We have an issue." She said when I got over there, "Bruce is refusing to come and celebrate whatever this is tonight - it's an issue because we don't know where he's gone. We've checked everywhere. We thought you might know because you spend the most time with him." 

I agreed that I would find him and sighed. I knew I had missed my change to finalise my plan, I could not care less though because I needed to find him. Luckily I knew exactly where he would be. I left the tower and jumped into a cab. About an hour later I arrived at a wide empty field. Well almost empty. There was the shadow of Bruce standing at the entry gate. I jumped out the cab and ran over to him and gave him a massive hug. 

"Why did you run away, you scared Natasha and the rest of the team." I waited for his reply but nothing came. I looked at him with the moonlight shining on both our faces, the only light that was present, and saw a gentle tear fall delicately from his eye before he quickly wiped it away. I carefully put my hand on his shoulder and said, "Bruce, we all care for you. If you are scared, talk to us. If you are worried, talk. We will not judge you, you have been through more than anyone could imagine and the worst thing you could do would be to suffer in silence."

"Erin. I ran away because I knew that I was not wanted at this party tonight. I see how the rest of the team look at me... look at you even, I can't be around them tonight." 

"I see it too Brucie, but at the end of the day you have more intelligence than all of them put together, and you have the certificates to prove this. What happened to you was unfortunate, but everything that has happened has led you to this moment, right here, in a field." I looked over sympathetically and saw him laughing, 

"You know Erin, not many people would come to find me. I am thankful that you are my friend. But, now you have a nickname for me, I need one for you." We chuckled. "Wait, how are we going to get back?" He asked, 

I paused, "Um, walk?" I then suggested to which he nodded. 

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