Chapter 3

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•Shawn's pov•
Where have I seen her before?
"Yo man you okay?" Johnson asked me.
"Yeah I'm fine." I respond
" Baby walk me to class" my annoying slut of a girlfriend said. yeah I know what you are thinking why are you dating her if she's annoying and a slut? Because we are the two most popular kids in school and she said we should be together.
After I took her to her first class I went to mine and waited for the day to be over.
•Nicole's pov•
Today was a pretty good day so far. it was lunch time and I saw izzy waving me over.
"Guys this is Nicole she's new. Nicole this is Simone, Nash, Cameron, Aaron, Andrea (russet), jenn (jennxpenn), and carter."
"Hey people" I say while laughing
"Hey" everyone said back. yay I have friends... I think.
•Shawn's pov•
It made me so jealous seeing her with them laughing. she should be her with me.
Wait what am I thinking I don't even know her, what is wrong with me. maybe I just need sleep.
"Hey guys I don't feel good I'm going home"
"Okay feel better bro" Sammy told me.

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