Chapter 1

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"Ugh" I yelled into my pillow. It was the first day at a new school and honestly I wasn't that nervous.
Oh how rude of me not to introduce myself, My name is Nicole, I am 16 years old, I just moved in with my dad because my mother left for Australia so I am staying for a couple of years. Now I live in sunny Seattle, note the sarcasm.
"Honey, you have to get up now." my dad said poking his head into my room. I just groan in response. Once he left I got up.
" Well I guess I should try and look decent today." I said to myself.
•Loose black crop-top
•Light wash skinny jeans
•White converse
After I put on my make up and straitened my hair I run downstairs.
"Bye dad, I'm going to be late." I yell to him
"Bye" he yells back. I hop into my car and try to get to school on time.

Hey people!
Thank you guys so much for reading this. I hope you liked it!
I promise there won't be that many authors notes but sorry in advance. I will update as soon as possible.
The chapters will be longer.
- Nicole

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